Chapter 28: Christmas is here

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 28

It was already morning and I realized I fell asleep on the couch yesterday.

I quickly rubbed my eyes and checked my phone, to find that it's still 7am, how did I wake up that early?

I decided to eat breakfast and work out, since I had nothing else to do and I wasn't tired anymore.

I opened my ab workout list, and changed into yoga pants, then started. 50 crunches..

I couldn't breathe from my stomach after the crunches, and then the bicycle crunches then the workout goes on and on. The list had 10 exercises.

"Morning Shar, what are you doing up that early? I thought you'd sleep till 12 or something" she admitted while grabbing a white mug from cupboard.

"I decided to workout since I had nothing else to do" I replied while slowly stretching and then standing still.

"Want some coffee?" She asked while pouring some in her mug.

"Yeah, thanks" I agreed while sipping water and taking deep breaths.

"Are you better now?" She questioned while handing me my coffee mug.

"Yeah, working out really helps" I admitted while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Cool! Are you going to meet up with your friends or.." she questioned while heading over to the coach.

"At 6, yes" I replied.

"Harry and the rest?" She demanded.

"Uh yep" I confirmed.

"Interesting.." she admitted while taking a sip of her coffee.

"I want you to meet my new friend, best friend..Ashley, when will you be free to go out?" I asked.

"Who's Ashley?" She questioned in confusion.

"The one who was with me yesterday in the airport, Remember?" I demanded while putting the coffee on the table.

"Oh, I'll be free tomorrow, if you want" she assured.

"Yeah I'll tell her, she lives nearby, so..yeah" I re-assured.

     "So do you want to talk about what happened with Ethan or..?" She hesitated waiting for my response.

     "Yeah" i confirmed.

     "Okay so, we first met as roommates, but he was super sweet, we started to know each other more before out classes started and stuff, so we got close and could talk to each other about anything..he was a food listener, and he told me about his past and stuff...he payed for me all the time, like literally all the time, everywhere, everything, anything..even the orders of Amazon that I got in order to decorate my room, then he confessed his love not after a lot of days and I did too, I kind of felt something towards him..but I realized now that 'something' wasn't all..but then I kept overthinking more than usual and Josh would always keep spinning in my mind and I couldn't do a thing about..we've been dating for months and we broke up the day before I travelled..that's all" I announced while watching her emotions change.

    " now you're kind of moving on from Josh?" she asked still sounding confused.

    "I guess" I replied while facing the ground and then giving her a short smile.

    I really had fun with Ethan somehow, but I only liked the feeling he gave me..but not him. I didn't love him..but why did I think I did back then..

    "What else happened. How did you meet Ashley?" She questioned.

     "Umm, Ethan and I once decided to go to the library and read some books, and we sat with a group: Mason, Will, Ashley, and that was our squad, we did alot of things together and I really had fun"

   "Then, me and Ashley started opening up to each other, and I really trust her, I told literally everything about me and she did too.. and we had alot in common.. like, she likes Pop music too unlike you" I teased while laughing.

"That's cool, I mean it's a pretty good thing to make college friends" she replied sounding amused.

She went to Harvard and that's way better than the one I'm in. On the contrary, it was hard for her to get along with people there so she ended up making one friend, who's now her boyfriend, Zac, but that was worth it, he saw the good in her, even though she was way focused on studying more than anything else, he still fell in love with her and didn't care about what others thought of them.

My parents were supposed to come Thursday, which is after tomorrow and we both had to get them gifts, before I go meet up with my friends.

Besides, Noah is also coming with them since he goes to college there so he lives with them.. and we haven't seen Noah in a lot, it'll be a good thing now since Josh is not around anymore..even though they supposingly fixed things but I'm not with Josh anymore..

"Lets go get the gifts?" Kate questioned quickly reading my mind.

"Yeah, I'll go change into sweatpants and follow you to the car" I assured while heading to the room.

I quickly changed into sweatpants and raced to the car..and unlocked the door to get in.

"I'll play rock music" she teased while gripping the steering wheel.

"Fine" I breathed while turning to face the window.

We went to a store, and made our way inside, and got them and dad obviously.

Then we headed out of the store, after wrapping the gifts, and sticking cards to them..we also got some Christmas tree decorations and house decorations.

When we got back home, we first hung the Christmas wreath on the door, then we decorated the tree with cool ornaments. And last but not least, we hung some decorations all around the house and made sure everything was perfect, with the red fairy lights on the wall.

"Perfect!" I shouted while taking a look at all the decorations around and the cool Christmas lights. We'll clean the house perfectly tomorrow night, and make sure its all tidied up.

"So I'll see you later" I waved while heading to the car, ready to go meet everyone.

I drove all the way to Taco Bell, since they were all gathered there.

I parked the car, and made my way inside, where I saw them all sitting at a table, waving and calling my name.

"Hey guys, I missed you so much" I shouted while hugging each one and giving them a short smile.

"So how was it in the University of Chicago" Harry questioned while smiling at me.

"Pretty cool" I replied.

"So let's order" I added while taking a look at the menu.

We all ordered and kept talking about uni and out life now and many more..

Then our Taco's came and we started eating in silence, while also drinking our sodas.

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