Chapter 7: The Instagram block

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7

    "What would ever make you think i blocked you, I love you Shar, and I have nothing to hide from you, I deleted my Instagram account for some reasons, which I can't really tell you, or anyone else..".

     "What is it Shar" Kate says while looking in my phone.

     "He's still a b**ch for not telling you the reasons" she teased while hugging me.

    "I still love him.." I admit while staring at his words.

    "He doesn't deserve you!" She admitted.

     "But..I do deserve him" I responded while staring at the text.

      "Ugh never mind, finish your noodles" she replied in a bothered type of way.

       He really knows how to change my mood, but I still need to know who Samantha is, Game isn't off yet!

     "Uh kate?" I called while still staring at the phone.

    "What shall I tell Josh?" I questioned, while turning ad her eyes meet mine.

     "Umm, I think you'll have to wait for him to tell you who she is, if he's being real with you, he'll tell you who she is, without you even asking" she responded while raising her eyebrows and facing me with a serious look.

    "You're right!" I assured her but I'm still not convinced though..

    "Look i feel a bit sleepy so I'll just go take a nap and then we can talk all we want" I confessed while letting out a yawn.

     "Yeah you really need some rest, you look tired" she assured, then reached for her phone which was on the table.

    I make my way to the bedroom and "you can get Zac, if you want" I tell her.

     "I will yeah but we won't come near you're room or make any noise ahahah" she quickly replied.

    I had already fallen asleep and in my never ending dream of me and Josh.


   Why did I wake up? I quickly ask myself, the dream was so cute although it was too short, so it was Me sitting on a bench on a winter night and then Josh made his way and sat next to me without saying any word and just wrapped his arm around making sure i don't shiver and feel his warmth, I still remember how he smelled like and how his warmth warmed my whole body when I was shivering.

    I make my way outside to find Kate and Zac making out,  so I just grabbed my phone and tip-toed my way back to the room while facing the ground and not looking in their direction.

    "Sharon, are you still sleeping" she shouted, thinking that I'm still in the bed.

    "Umm yeah I just woke up" I lied while looking through my phone.

     "Cool let's watch a movie now!" She shouted in excitement seeming like she's in a fantastic mood.

     "I watched that romance movie called "Endless Love", which was super cute and goals at the same time.

    "Let's watch it!" She shouted in an i'm  ready to do anything type of mood.

   Half the movie had already passed and we're in tears, they're so cuteee, i watched that movie like a hundred times before and never got bored of it.

   "We should get Josh and Zac be that cute with us, I mean David is seriously perfect to Jade in the movie" I confirmed.

    "Girl, our men will be forced to be like that after we finish the movie, hehehe" she assured me confidently.

     "Yeah I hope so, but me and Josh aren't that good now anyways so" I said in a sad tone.

     "He'll come back running" she confirmed.

     My phone suddenly starts ringing and I could tell it's Josh. "God, Josh is calling again" I said with a sigh.

    "Don't pick up" She said.

    "1- Dont pick up the phone, you know he's only calling cause he's drunk and alone" she sings a part from New rules by Dua Lipa.

    "2- Don't let him in, you have to kick him out again" I teased not even sure If I mentioned the right lyrics.

  "See you're never ever serious ahahah" she replied.

  " I win, I win" she added, meaning she was right saying I'm never serious.

   "So when shall I go back to Josh at home?" I questioned in a •I miss him• type of way.

  "Don't think about that now, just watch how he acts when he knows you're too busy to talk to him" She stated.

   "Well I am never too busy  when it comes to him but I'll try" I replied sarcastically while forcing a short smile.

    " Too bad you will be busy, and way too busy" she assured in a confident mean way.

    "Maybe you should put Instagram stories of where you are all the time and stuff and show him you're happy and actually living your life before college.." she continued.

  "I'm not even sure If I should go to college this year, I'll probably take a gap year" I stated while looking down at my nails.

   "No no, you're going to college" she shouted quickly changing her facial expression.

   "You're not changing your college plans for HIM" she refused while looking pissed and disgusted.

"He's not worth it Shar, you won't ruin your future and turn it into days of heartbreak instead of learning" She added.

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