Chapter 5: Colleges and innocence

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    I didn't turn off my game yet, I still have more plans.

I'll still see if there's something up with Josh...probably stalking and spying.

He thinks I'm getting over what happened but I'm actually discovering more about it and I really need to know who was that girl he was with.

"Shar, how's life?" he asks with a giggle.

"Ugh, it's fine" I tease.

"Is there anything bothering you?" He asks

"No, nothing at all definitely" I assure.

     "Look if that girl who i was with is still bothering, you really need to know that she is my cousin, and there's nothing going on, i love you.." he confessed with a serious face, that's kind of hard to not believe.

      "okay i believe you, but you don't have to lie about other things , you know we don't hide stuff from each other right?" I asked while staring at his amazingly sparkling blue eyes.

      "Yeah of course" he assured me with a half smile.

       "By the way I need to tell you something.." I mentioned while looking down.

      "umm, I'll be going to The University of Chicago, in a month"
I continued while watch his reaction.

      "Wait what?" He asked surprisingly.

      "I thought you were going to any college here in new york.." he added.

"Umm i did know that before but I just couldn't tell you, I can cancel my college plans, and take a gap year though" I admitted sadly.

"Well I don't think that's something you can actually hide from me and pretend it's okay, and no you should go there and don't worry about me.." he added while holding his tears back.

"I didn't mean to though" i added while staring at the floor.

"Okay we need to make this the best month ever" he continued with an excited kind of smile.

"We surely will" I smiled back at him and jumped over him and hugged him tightly.

"Let's go to an amusement park tomorrow!?" He demanded excitedly.

      I looked at his innocent face and couldn't say reject the offer, so I quickly replied "that would be lovely".

     We sat down and turned on the Tv, to see if there's anything we can watch but unfortunately, there was nothing to watch.

    "Let's go get ice-cream!" He exclaimed, "then we can come back and do all we want" he added.

    "Cool" I responded with a smile.

    He took my hand and lead me to his car, and we made our way to the ice cream farm, they had the best ice cream ever.

    When we arrived he got out and opened my car door for me, then he wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked toward the ice cream shop.

    "One cookies n' cream, and the other vanilla with sprinkles" Josh ordered.

    They handed us the delectable ice cream and we quickly started eating while sitting down on a bench and watching the goats in the cage run around.

     "I think it's time to go" I said while looking at his innocent face.

      "Let's go" he mentioned without even arguing.

      Wow that was pretty fast, i say to myself.

       The ride back home wasn' t that boring, he played pop music which was my favorite. He actually knows how to get me in a good mood.

        We arrived back home and sat near each other on the couch in silence, he started wrapping his arms around me and getting closer, till his lips were locked on mine, then he started kissing me, I'll admit it felt good kissing Josh.

         "Shar?" He asked, "Will you ever regret loving me?" He whispered while looking at me with his insanely glowing blue eyes.

        "Never" i assured him.

        We sat down for a while and felt really really warm in his arms that I could be in them forever and not get bored a single second.


    I quickly rubbed my eyes to find out we fell asleep on the couch yesterday without even changing our jeans and that was quite funny.

    I looked at Josh who was probably still in his dreams and will never wake up in a million years, so i decided not waking him up.

    I looked at his phone and a girl named "Samantha" was calling, I rushed out of the house making my way to my Kate's  house which wasn't that far.

    While driving, i kept questioning myself who Samantha was, because if he told me it's his cousin, then he's insane.

   I parked my car, and knocked on her door, she opened and invited me in.

  "What got you here so early" she demanded while sounding tired and at the same time surprised.

  " A girl was calling Josh this morning, exactly before I came here, at like 7:15" I said while looking down on the ground.

  "So what will you do now?" She demanded while heading to the kitchen.

  "Want some coffee?" She asked.

   "Yeah, thanks" I replied.

    I sat on her red couch and continued "He's really acting weird lately"

  "What exactly do you mean by weird?" She asked while looking confused.

   "I don't know, when I asked him about that girl he was with, when i was with you, he told me my cousin, then when I asked him then why did u mention family, he looked so confused" I responded.

  "Then, you're mission now is to know who he meets and most importantly who Samantha is" she replied.

  "Game on again" I shouted while looking at her astonished face.

  "Ma girl is killin' it" she yelled back.

   "Yeah yeah i know, I should be a detective one day" I quickly admitted.

  I looked at my sister who had already fallen asleep, then i took another sip of my coffee, that game of mine will work, 100%, it'll creepy him out, then, he'll tell me everything, although I'm a bit scared of him confessing what'll happen, I still need to know.

     I'm also pretty sure If I found out he doesn't like me anymore, I'll die every single day...

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