Chapter 20: Miss me, Miss you

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 20

Josh's POV

I really miss her so much, I miss her being around, and joking and all, I do have to admit that. But.. if she only knew it, she'd apologize for the rest of her life. I don't even know how she'd think I could easily go on and cheat on her, I mean it's obvious, I love her.., only her, and I don't think that's ever going to change, how can I cheat on her when she's all I long for? She's the one keeping me alive, and without her here I feel missing, I can't help but wonder who she's with right now, who's making her laugh like I used to and above all who can actually love her like I do? No one. All good thinks come to an end, but that can't be the end of me and Sharon, ever. If it for her, I sadly have to say that it's not for me, it's not the end of Josh and Sharon, I love her, but I can't tell her that one thing and it's killing me inside, I'm going crazy, If I could, I swear I would, but I can't, I swear I can't.

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Back to Sharon again..

We made our way inside, and it wasn't crowded as I thought, I held the map firmly in my hand and took a quick glance at it.

     "We'll go on all the scary rides, no scaredy cats here huh?" Will teased while taking a look at the roller coaster behind us..

     "I'm in" Ethan and I shouted at the same time.

      "And we're in" Mason and Ashley agreed while holding hands.

     "Okay so, we're going this on first" Will pointed at a blue roller coaster near us.

"So Ethan and Sharon, Mason and Ashley and finally me.." will shouted.

Ethan and I were on the first two seats, while Mason and Ashley were right behind us, It was the first time for Mason to get on any roller coaster, so I kind of felt bad for him, and right after Mason and Ashley, was Will, sitting next to a younger girl which seemed braver than he looked, I could tell he was scared, I mean we were all scared, but his face!

And, Click click click, the cart drags itself up with effort as your hands tighten on the bar and our breath quickens in anticipation and fear. We start laughing nervously, "It's awfully high isn't it?" I shout making sure he heard me, I tried not to think about what happens next when we were finally on the top. Click click click, suddenly, you are full of doubts-why did you let them convince you this was a good idea, I mean I did like roller coasters but they always creep me out, but oops it's too late to turn back now... Click.

The butterflies in my stomach get even louder and louder and I couldn't feel a thing but air, I couldn't even feel my face, I felt like I was falling off a building, but a pretty high one.

And finally, It stopped, allowing me to take exactly one deep breath, I could see a river on the side and the whole amusement park in the other, it felt like I could see the whole world from up here.

Suddenly, it started speeding up again and I could feel myself already in the air floating, all I did was close my eyes and held the bars firmly as much ad possible and I couldn't let out one scream, although each and every one on the ride was screaming among their lungs from terror.

And again it stopped but It didn't move again so I opened my half my right to see that we're finally back to the place we started from and I let out a big breath, and looked on the side to find the funniest facial expression on Ethan's face.

"Woah, we're okay" Ethan teased while unbuckling the belt, and waiting for the woman passing to finally raise the bars so we could move freely like birds released from a cage.

"Oh my god, that was great!" Ashley shouted in excitement with her red sweaty face.

"Yep.. in fact it was" I reply while looking at Ethan and Mason's stunned faces at our replies.

"That, that thing was deadly" Will screamed, "but I like it" he added.

"Slow it down single boy, you were right next to a middle-schooler!" Ethan teased knowing that, being called single annoys him more than anything.

"Single, ready to mingle" will teases.

"Okay where do we go next?" I questioned while hoping it's not another roller coaster..

I've never been to that "six flags" before, I went to the one in new England, so I wasn't exactly sure if the same games were there.

The ride we just left was called American Eagle, we looked in the map to see what other thrilling rides are there.

"Dare Devil!" Will shouted.

I recognize that name, oh my god no, this.. not again.

He quickly pointed at the ride, making sure whoever doesn't know what the "Dare Devil" is, knows.

"Wow! I'm in!" Ethan shouted.

We all agreed and headed to the Dare Devil,it's like a sky diving thing, but even creepier than any roller coaster, at-least in roller coasters your legs aren't floating all around in the air and are safely sticking to the ground.

We stood in a line which wasn't that long, and it was finally our turn, of course Ethan and I decided to be next to each other, "you seriously will have to not scream on that thing.." I pointed at it disgustingly, "it makes me worry even more!" I added.

We got on the ride, and pulled the bars down making sure we'll be safe, . "Enjoy the ride!" The woman shouted, while the thing started moving upward slowly, no no no, it was me and Ethan and will on the same one.

It was kind of creepy to me but it was basically the same as sky diving! But sky diving is kind of scary in my opinion so..

"Oh and by the way, why would I scream, it's, uh, sky diving" he admitted with confidence like it's not that creepy to him, but it is!

I could feel myself floating back and fourth in the air, I looked down and could see people, lots and lots of them and we were even higher than the roller coaster was..

As we were lifted up more and more, suddenly the lifting stopped, and boom, we were released in the air, I couldn't feel a thing but air and swinging, it was literally like a swing, swing back and fourth in the air..

We left the ride and Will threw up, so he decided to wait for us, while went on other roller coasters, I have to admit it, they were super scary but not as the first one, it was the creepiest, scariest ever, I screamed in the others surprisingly, although I'm not the type to scream on horror rides, I express my screaming with silence instead, to show that I'm creeped out that I couldn't even open my mouth a second.

"I really did have fun!" I admitted while taking my breath after all the rides we've been on.

I kind of felt bad for Will, as he wanted to go on innumerable other rides here but he wasn't feeling well so he couldn't go on any more, he ended up going on two rides only, and we ended up riding more than 10 rides here, we even went on some of them twice, as they were so diverting and super exciting to be on.

     "We should repeat this another time but not this month, definitely" Will shouted.

      "Yeah we should, we still have more years to spend here, we'll come back here again, sure!" Ethan agreed while brushing his hair backwards, "I agree!" I replied.

      Christmas was weeks away and I couldn't help but wonder how it's like in Boston as I've been gone for months by now.

      Of course, it didn't change that much but.. I kind of starting to forget how it feel back there, its not like I forgot places or anything, but missing the place made me start forgetting how it felt like there.

     I wonder how's josh doing with his new girl...

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