Chapter 26: To more walks in Chicago

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 26: To more walks in Chicago

"Josh dropped a letter at our mail today, he mentioned that he's traveling for Christmas, why would he want me to know that" the text says.

Okay..that's weird, why would he want me or Kate to know that, so I could cry over him being gone or something..oh god!

"What does the text day?" She questioned while turning to see the text.

"Oh wow, wait what?" She demanded while looking away from the text and facing me.

"Look I don't care, but can we have fun..." she continued while grabbing the phone away from hand and putting it on the table.

"Give it back" I teased.

"Umm unless you're willing to start a pillow fight with me, I don't think you'd get out of it alive" she giggled while reacging for the pillow and already starting the pillow fight.

"Woah! You are starting a pillow fight?" I questioned while raiding both eyebrows at a time and reaching for another pillow.

We kept hitting each other with pillows and laughing along, that really helped me, i'm really luck to have a best friend like her, she always wants the best for me and she's the best-est friends you'd ever know.

"So won't we go meet up with Mason and Will?" She asked while putting on her shoes.

"Wait for me there, be down a minute" I assured.

"Oh no no no, I'm not leaving you alone" she teased while putting my phone in her pocket.

"C'mon lets move it, they've been waiting for over an hour it something.." she replied while checking the time.

"Ok let's go" I stated while following her downstairs.

I looked the other side in the hallway add couldn't get over his eyes, his miserable exhausted looking eyes. I hate being the reason behind someone's sadness, that's a fact about me, but seeing Ethan hurt like that.. I've never seen him cry since I came here.

I miss..I miss home..I miss Boston.


"Hey sharr, hey Ash" Well shouted while reaching for our hands to shake.

"Hello boys!" We replied at the same time, them we giggled all together.

We kept talking and I still couldn't get over the way Mason and Ashley kept looking at each other with, the cutest besides mine and Josh's. Why do I always mention him, I'm moving on ugh. They kept staring at each other while talking and that was the cutest.

"Where's Ethan?" Will winked at me.

"He's uh..he's...we broke up" I spit while sipping my coffee.

"You what?" Mason and Will shouted at the same time.

I left immediately without a reply and tried holding back the tears, which were carrying all miserable feels and Pain.

Ash quickly apologized and followed me, "Sharon" she called.

"Forget it, Let's go somewhere else, not in the dorm, Let's go take a walk..anything" she stated while eye contact-ing Mason.

"Fine Ash" I replied with a sigh.

Walking in the streets of Chicago was a pretty cool thing to do.

We've finally decided exercising after all the food we've been eating lately and here we are walking around.

It started raining all of a sudden, so we rushed into a café nearby, and took a table for two.

"One caramel latte please and another latte with hazelnut" Ash ordered.

The lattes were finally here and we started drinking them peacefully in silence. Besides the music here was that chilling type, i do like the playlist they're playing here, it's not rock but it's at least pop, my favorite type..

"So now what do we do? Or where do we go?" she questioned.

     "We have nothing to do but.." she interrupted..

    "We actually to have something to do.." she hesitated then took out her cards.

     "So we'll play cards, whoever loses gets a dare..the other one has to ask them.." she continued while throwing the cards in the middle of the table.

     "Let's go" she stated while shuffling the cards.

      We started playing and she was already winning, we were playing "Cheating" you win by finishing all your cards and the one who still has cards loses.

      I had 5 cards left, and she had like 2 cards left, so I knew she was winning anyway.

     "I won..I won..Lemme think of a dare.." she hesitated while thinking of a dare.

     "Hope it's not a weird one" I teased while throwing my cards back in the middle of the table.

     "Order two sandwiches you never ordered before..and eat finish them both while we're playing" she finally announced.
     I headed to the counter and ordered a smoked salmon sandwich and a tuna sandwich, which I never really ordered before.

     "20$" the woman asked while handing me the sandwiches in a bag.

     "Thanks" I quickly replied, then headed back to the table.

      "Now gobble gobble gobble" she burst out laughing.

     She started giving out the cards again, ready for another turn.

    And so the game went on but finally I won two turns in a row, and gave her my greatest dares!

   When it finally stopped raining cats and dogs, we headed out of the Cafe and walker back to the dorm which wasn't that far.

    It was like 2 am, and we had 2 hours to get ready, but we'll still have fun and all..

    "Ash! Ash!" I called while making my way to where she is, she was standing right in front of her room door. Why is she always faster than I am?

     "What is it Shar?" She rolled her eyes and opened the door.

     "I don't know" I laughed while pushing the door open and walking in.

     "No silence!" She shouted which turning to face me, where I was laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

     "Lets play a game, where we spin the bottle and whom the top of bottle lands on, they ask the other" she continued while reaching for the bottle on the table.

    We sat on the floor and started spinning and I was the one to ask Ashley a question.

    "Describe the boy you had your first kiss with?" I questioned.

    "Okay he had dirty blond hair, and green grey eyes..his name was Grayson" she answered while starting to spin the bottle again.

    "My turn to ask!" She shouted while thinking of a question..

    "Did you travel anywhere out of the states?" She demanded.

   "I've only been to Paris, but I was too 5" I stated while spinning the bottle again.

    "I've always wanted to go Paris!" She admitted while short-smiling at me.

     It was around 3..3:30 and we had 30 minutes left to start getting ready..but we heard someone knock, and I had no idea who'd knock right now, at 3 am..

     "Who is it Ash?" I questioned sounding confused..

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