Chapter 19: Stuck between Two

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 19

   Although I was with Ethan and it really felt good, I couldn't stop thinking about Josh..

   "It feels good here, huh?" Ethan stated while turning to face me with a short smile.

  "Yeah it does, I hope I could sit here and just stare at the stars forever.." I admitted while watching the stars.

   We sat in silence and kept staring at the amazingly innumerable stars.

    Our staring was interrupted by Will's coughing. "What, i'm just coughing" he teased while clearing his voice.

   "The place is perfect" Ashley said while looking at mason who was already staring at her.

   "Yeah it surely is, since you like" Mason replied.

    We all kept aww-ing, they truly deserve each other, and here I am stuck between two, I really can't decide who I really love whether it's Ethan or Josh.

   "Let's go guys, it's getting late, we have school tomorrow you know" Ethan shouted making sure they all are listening to him, since Ashley and Mason were listening to music in their headphones.

   "Yeah, Let's go" Will agreed while getting up and cleaning himself from the sand.

   We all followed Ethan and headed to the car, knowing that we'd fall asleep on the way back, since it was way past midnight, 2 or 3, I don't know.

     It's been almost two months since I arrived here, in Chicago, I really miss home, I wonder how Kate's holding up without me, the house is really lonely..

    "Wake up sleepy heads!" Ethan shouted making sure we all wake up.

    One fact of all the facts I've learned about Ethan, is that his favorite sentence to wake up anyone with is "wake up sleep head" , it's a funny I know, and it's kind of cool, not really, I mean, it's not like I enjoy being called sleepy head. I am a sleepy head but I hate being called that but I like others being called that, it's just too confusing.

   "Shar!" A familiar voice called from behind, which I realized was Ashley.

   "Yes Ash!" I replied wondering what she'd ask.

   "Can you sleep over at my room? I really need to talk to you.." she demanded with a that sounded like she wanted to cry.

   "Yeah sure" I responded while following her up to her room.

   "What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

   She looked around making sure Mason was already gone.

  "Okay so, I'm really confused and clueless" she admitted, "I'm starting to change my mind about Mason.." she added while staring at the ground.

   "Wait what, why?" I questioned.

    "Its just, uh, I don't know, I mean I love him so much, but I'm not ready to get heart broken one more time, last time I did, I was about to kill myself for that guy I loved" She replied while holding her tears back and I could see her eyes turn to that blood red color.

     "I saw you and Mason, you really deserve each other, and if you trust Mason, you'll know he won't hurt you like the other guy did" I responded.

      "I've been heart broken, by..., someone, who I thought would always love me, but he was a liar, he liked another and was to scared to admit.." I added while trying not start crying.

     "I don't know, I do trust him, but I can't deny the fact that I trusted the other guy too, and he let me down.." she replied while crying even harder.

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