Chapter 34: Always & forever

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Two hours later

After hugging Josh goodbye, I was in an Uber with Ashley with tears filling my eyes.

"Ayyyaya I ship" she stated.

"I know right" I agreed, "I'll mis him though.."

"But you'll see him again.." she replied while looking sad for me.

"I missed Mason!" She admitted while scrolling through her phone.

"I ended everything with Ethan, he was trying to get back with me again" I stated while showing her the text.

"Wow!" She replied with an O shape formed on her mouth.

"Yes, I knew that would be your reaction, I really missed Josh, it was like seeing him for the first time.." I announced while wiping a tear which rolled over my cheek.

* * *

We arrived at the airport and took our luggage, then walked inside and I let out a sigh while we were checking in.

Five minutes later, we were already in the plane, and I sat there staring at the ceiling without uttering a word.

I kept looking at our pics together, they were the cutest ever, I'll miss him more than anything else...

We took a bunch of pictures the past days, and these were the ones I kept taking a look at and ignoring my tears which were streaming down my rosy cheeks.

      "Knock it out!" Ashley shouted while grabbing my phone.

       "Stop crying Shar, you'll see him again I promise!" She continued softly.

      "I didn't do that when I left Mason...because I knew I'd see him again" she admitted.

       I watched a romance movie, on our way back to Chicago which didn't seem that long.


       We carried our bags on our way out of the airport then we stood there waiting for Uber to arrive.

       Finally, when Uber was already there, we carefully put our bags inside, then we got in the car, and I had to admit it his playlist was lit!

       He succeeded in getting me back in my good mood, without even knowing that I'm feeling down or anything.

      "I really love your playlist" I complimented with a short smile.

      "Oh yeah?" He asked sounding surprised.

      "Well I was in a bad mood and you managed getting me back in a good mood with these lit songs" I chuckled.

      "No no no, you're not in a bad mood Shar" she teased while hitting my arm, why does she hit me on my arm so much, I mean I got used to it!

     We arrived at the dorm and carried our bags till we got upstairs and each one went to their own room.

     I almost forgot that I ordered them to change my roommate so let's see who's my new roommate...

     I walked in and placed my bags on the ground and started putting my clothes in the closet, then I put my phone in the charger and stood still looking around the room clueless.

    I remember having Ethan here around, he was really sweet and funny, I'll miss him being around but not as much as I missed Josh of course.

     I went towards the door as someone was knocking, It must be Ashley..

      I placed my hand on the door knob and another familiar face shows up..

     It's Josh, what's he doing were?

      "Hi roommate" he stated with a short smile.

      "Oh my god!" I stood there in shock with an O shape formed on mg mouth with my wide eyes still staring at him in shock.

     "Won't you invite me in?" He teased while laughing.

     "Oh my god!!!" I screamed repetitively, while jumping over him and hugging him tightly, as tears watered my eyes and rolled down my face.

     "How, what, when, why?" I asked feeling my heart skip a beat.

     "Well, I wanted to take a semester here so...I asked them to be your roommate too!" He stated.

      "And I was in a different flight.." he continued.

     "Oh wow! I love you so much, we're gonna have so much fun" I admitted while sitting on his lap and hugging him tightly.

     "In fact we will!" He agreed while reaching for a pillow and throwing it at me.

     "Pillow fight!" I announced while throwing another pillow at his face  and laughing along.

                    • • • • •

        I introduced Josh, to the boys, as Ethan and I decided to be just friends not more.

        The days before our classes started where so fun, we'd hangout everyday in different places, and of course I took Josh with me *alone* to see the stars together and that place I went to before with the squad.

       Everything was great, I felt happier than a bird with a wings flying freely in the sky.

       My life got back to how it was, I even texted Kate everyday to tell her
all news and she was truly happy for me, she also told that she and Zac would be getting married in months, of course when I'd get back to Boston.

      When classes started, Josh and I were the cutest, we'd wrap arms around each other in class, study together, help each other, read books together, we did every single thing together..

     I never wanted to let go of him, not even a milli-second, I wanted him stuck by my side all the time, I felt safe and warm and all good feelings in his arms.

     Even in tests, we both would get the highest grades of all, we really did make a good team together, when it came to studying.

   I still remember that feeling if studying together when we used to be in high school. He used to sneak into my house and study with me in the room, and we'd also get high grades.

    This team, this us, Josh and I, were meant to be, and that's how we always found our way back to each other, no matter what no matter how, no matter when.

     True love would always find a way. We truly loved each other, I never forgot about him, ever.. even when I was with Ethan.

     I didn't even realize Josh and I broke up, because I wasn't convinced with the whole idea.

     There's something about him, something about his smile, his laugh, the way he talks, the way he looks at me, his eyes, his everything.. there is a mystery behind Josh...which made me fall for him, and love him that way.

    I'm sure I'll never ever love anyone beside him, I'll always stay with him, love him, and support matter what. And if anything happens, I'd know we'll find our way back.

    And till the very end, it'll always be you Josh, no one else, I love you, only you, I'll always stand by you...

  That's how our story continues happily ever after...Josh and Sharon.

                   •The End•






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