Chapter 13: The dorm

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 13

I took a double-room since I couldn't afford a single, and I was wondering who'd be sharing my room.

I asked someone to help me reach my room then I entered and put my luggage in arranged my stuff.

The room had a closet and a fridge which I'll have to rent, a bed and a desk to study on.

I hung some cute posters on the wall and put a clock near the desk side which was right in front of the window, I had access to control everything in the room from an app on the phone, I could control lights, music, and other cool stuff. I actually had positive thoughts on this first year.

I found my that a boy was sharing the room with me, he had the other part of the room, he had caramel messy curly brown hair,
piercing blue eyes and he was a bit taller than me which sounded attractive, "Hey room mate!" He greeted, "I'm Ethan", "Ethan Dawson" he added.

"Nice to meet you Ethan, I'm Sharon Asher" I introduced while staring at his amazingly attractive blue eyes.

"We'll have a lit year!" He said while smiling.

"So tell me more about yourself" he questioned, wanting to know more about me.

"I... I don't know, I love pop music and my favorite movie is Endless love" I responded sounding like an idiot.

"Wow, I love pop music but not as much as R&B, besides Endless Love is a great movie, I've watched it before.." He replied.

"I don't really know anything about dorms except for the fact that I'd be sharing the room with someone, which is you" he added.

"Well, yeah same, we should discover the place together" I replied.

"Sounds cool!" he said in an excited tone,
"I thought I'd have a boring room mate, but here you are the opposite" he joked.

"I wasn't really thinking about that, I was spending time with friends and stuff before getting here, since I was about to cancel going to college and was going to have a gap year instead but things changed you know" I responded.

"Oh I get that" he replied.

"I see you you got dope stuff here" he added while taking a look at my weird decorations.

"Yeah I kind of like my place to look messy" I replied sarcastically.

"I like messy" he responded while turning to face me.

He's so cute! I thought to myself.

"Follow me on instagram" he asked.

He took my phone in order to write his username and then he follow requested himself, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll follow you back" he teased.

He had like 100 following while he had a thousand followers, seems like my room mate is a popular boy.

"I'll be on the other side, so If you need anything just come over" he assured, while heading to his staying part of the room.

I looked in his photos, and he looked super hot in them, besides, his feed was goals, why can't I get a man like that.

I texted Kate, "I got a hot room mate", she quickly texted back "oh ma gawdd, I hate you", Man I felt that, she's jealous of course since her room mate was an idiot and a weird nerd, she tried talking to him or getting to know him and he was like, I'm trying to study here, not make friends, so getting a nice room mate and hot at the same time was an extra thing besides staying Chicago.

I threw myself in the bed and fell asleep after switching off the light.

I woke up early morning and changed to my Levi's skinny jeans and a black off shoulder long sleeve top. Then I went to Ethan, who was wearing a black blank t-shirt and dark blue jeans, "Ready to go take a look around the place?" He demanded while taking a look at my outfit and winking, "you look beautiful" he stated.

"Now come on, let's go" he said while leading me down stairs.

We went downstairs and took a look at the place, there was library and computer lab on the right and a cafè and Gym on the left side.

"Woah, this place is so cool" he shouted while staring at the gym.

"Yeah it's like all we need is in one place" I replied.

"I can't wait to go to gym everyday" he said while turning to look at me.

I didn't really know if he had a muscular body or not but his arm was enough till now.

"Let's go back to the room" he said while leading me upstairs.

I followed him to the room, and made sure it was out room which he lead me too.

"We'll go eat something after two hours or something?" He demanded.

"Yeah of course, I won't change my clothes then" I responded.

"Yeah I love your outfit, to be honest" He admitted with his cheeks turning a bit red.

"Thank you" I thanked with a short shy-type of smile on my face.

"You don't ever need to thank me" he replied.

Why is he so perfect, I mean I still couldn't forget Josh, but Ethan is the sweetest I've ever met.

We headed to a restaurant outside the dorm which was known for it's delectable pasta and pizza, it wasn't a date, but since he's the only one I know here, why would I go out alone.

I ordered a Margherita, extra cheesy pizza and he ordered the same.

We kept talking about our life before we cane here and our old stupid memories, we had a lot of stuff in common, but... not as much as I have with Josh, but I was really enjoying my time with Ethan, also a fact, Ethan was always one of favorite boy names, I don't know why, but I thought It was a hot name, and here I an with an Ethan.

When were done eating and discussing stuff, we ordered the check and he payed for both of us without even asking me, "I can pay for my pizza" I offered. "No it's so uncool, I'm paying for both.." he assured while putting the money in the check.

We left and took a walk back to the dorm instead of taking another Uber, It was all good walking in the streets of Chicago until it started raining so he wrapped his arm around me and dashed while holding me tightly, the dorm wasn't that far so we made it without getting all soaked with water.

"Thanks for saving me" I teased, "we're room mates, without you it would be so boring" he said in a sense of sarcasm.

We headed back to our room and I got out my MacBook, "I wanna order cute stuff from amazon for my room" I stated, while looking at his side, "yeah me too, if you'll order anything I'll order too, but I'm paying in both cases" he assured.

"No no, that's enough paying for me, I want to spend my money" I replied.

"As long as I'm here, I'm paying for everything, I think you should accept that fact" he teased.

"Okay okay Mr Millionaire" I joked, "I am actually" he replied with a laugh following.

"I'm ordering Fairy lights, to put around the bed and another to hang around my polaroids" I mentioned while pointing at the one I want , I didn't hang all polaroids since I had some with Josh, I hung the ones in Paris, and the ones I took with friends.

"Yeah these are so cool, you should get" he assured while sounding interested.

I ordered other school essentials which were so dope and after placing the order it mentioned taking 5 days so it wasn't that bad, plus i felt bad for Ethan for having to pay for my stuff and his at the same time, but I didn't force him to, I was okay paying for myself..

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