Chapter 22: Over thinking session

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 22

"Well thank you so much for that" he teased while looking the other way.

"Look, we aren't supposed to hide anything from each other.." he added while taking a deep breath, "I forgive you".

"I'm really sorry, but I didn't really want to talk about that, to anyone.." I apologized, looking down at the ground and trying not bring back memories in my head.

"You don't need to apologize, I love you" he stated while holding my hand, his hands didn't give me that warmth, like the one Josh used to give me when he holds my hands..ugh.. why am I remembering Josh again anyways!

"Oh I almost forgot, I have to call Kate now" I interrupted the silence while taking my hand off his, and heading to my side of the room.

I ringed Kate up, and she finally answers, "hey shar, how's it going baby!" She shouted while laughing.

Me: "Heyo Kate! I really need to talk to you! Alot happened here"

Kate: "Interested" she hesitates.

Kate: "What's poppin' then?"

Me: "so first of all, I'm not coming home for Christmas" I lied so I could surprise her.

Kate: "Wait what? Why? What happened?"

Me: "Honestly I love Ethan so much, and of course if I come back over there, to Boston, Josh will be there, and he'll bring back all feelings I tried to forget for months"

Kate: "okay, but you're only not coming here to avoid seeing Josh..?"

Me: "I miss you, but I really can't see him!" Oh my god I'm a big fat liar!

Me: "What will you do for Christmas?"

Kate: "I'll stay at home, and watch movies!"

Me: "look I..uh..I gotta go"

Kate: "and i gotta hate you"

Me: "you already do, bye!"

I ended the call, then walked back towards Ethan who was laying on the couch hold a card and spinning it in his hand.

"Okay, to be honest, I don't get you!" He barked at me with his red eyes.

"Get what?" I questioned feeling confused.

"You lied you're lying twice?!" He stated while spinning the card faster and staring at it angrily.

" don't know what you're talking about" I responded still sounding confused.

"You were just on a call with your sister, and what's more interesting is that you just told her that you're not going to Boston, and what's more more interesting is that.." he stated but I interrupted him.

"First of all, why were you eavesdropping?" I question while giving him a mean look.

"Second of all, I wanted to surprise her so I told her I'm not coming back home! Is that why you meant by lying twice?" I growl while pushing his card and opening my mouth on an "O" shape.

"You know what Shar?" He hesitated while standing up and stepping closer to me.

"I just..uh..I love you" he stated while getting closer to kiss me.

I push him further and walk away, "I need some time alone Ethan, you don't get to run away from it like that"

I headed to Ashley's room, then knocked, "its me, sharon" I stated when I heard her footsteps getting closer to the door.

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