Chapter 9: To the love of Paris

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  ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9

I still can't stop getting over how the pasta tasted or how the chicken tasted, they were mouth-watering, I love how they have the ability to make you want more of the food they cook as they taste different.

"Can i get a more?" I demanded sarcastically.

I really felt great at the exact moment, but I can't really say I wasn't thinking of Josh and how I badly wanted him to be with me right now.

"What are you staring at?" Kate questioned while trying to figure out what was on my mind.

"Okay if it's Josh, cut it now!" She angrily spit.

I didn't respond to her and changed the subject, " Let's go get get some sleep, since we'll be waking up at 5:30? I demanded with an innocent look.

"I'm serious, we're here to spend good time and enjoy, not think about.. uh.. boys!" She growled with a disgusted look on her face.

"Why would we ruin our memories for boys!?" She emphasized looking angry.

"Boys are worthless, they never learn, they keep on breaking hearts and leaving you" she added.

"Not all of them.." I responded.

"Don't even get me started on Josh" she replied while sounding like she wants to murder him or something.

I started making my way up to the hotel room and realized she was still ahead of me but I didn't really care I could barely open my eyes, I'm extremely tired as I didn't sleep at all.

I threw myself on the bed and didn't think of anything but sleeping soundly.
- - - -

"It's 5:20, wake up!" Kate screamed almost deafening me.

I quickly got up, and put on ripped jeans and a black crop top, making that the outfit would look good in pictures.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go" I stated while standing at the door.

"I am too, the Uber is waiting for us" she assured.

"I can't wait!" I exclaimed in enthusiasm.

We dashed to the Uber which was about to leave us since the man had been waiting almost 10 minutes there.

"Pardon!" We shouted, since he's french and I don't really think he could even speak English but we luckily know some french.

"It's okay" he responded, "I can speak English by the way, so talk freely".

It seemed like he turned out smarter then we both are, I enjoyed the car ride watching the streets and places I never been to in Paris, the place is really cool.

"Here we are!" The driver shouted, we quickly payed him, then we rushed to the Eiffel tower, no one was really there it was 6:15, "Let's start!" Kate yelled.

She got out her Camera and started taking pictures of me with different poses and different places, I really wonder why she didn't work in anything related to photography.

It was my turn to take pictures of her so I did the same thing as she did, making sure I won't ruin her photo session like I always do.

"Okay we're finally done" she shouted.

"Shall we order Uber again now?" I demanded.

"Yeah we should, it's starting to get crowded now, it was about 8:00 by now so people start coming.

We ordered Uber and It was actually the same man who got us here, we now were heading to Arc de Triomphe, to have another photo session and enjoy the place, Paris.

The day ended with may photo sessions and places we never visited, only saw in pictures. We also ate in a famous pasta restaurant, which I don't even recognize it's name, french names are probably almost hard to remember.

I'd say my sister is probably the only who knows how to cheer me up although she keeps acting weird sometimes, but she's the best sister you could ever have.

I also wouldn't deny the fact that I wasn't thinking of Josh, when we were visiting these places and having fun with no "boys" ahahah.
- - -

"Shar, we're leaving in 4 days, where do you next?" She demanded.

I want to try the best restaurants in Paris and take pictures in random streets and stuff.

"We'll surely fo whatever you want" she assured.

"Remember your birthday is in a week" she quickly reminded, "oh of course I didn't forget that" I added.

"I'll take you to a shop and you get to buy whatever you want" she also added.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" I questioned not believing what I just heard.

We made our way to the shop and I kept spinning and turning all around the place yet I didn't know what to buy.

I find Josh's face looking like a statue or something and I stop myself from crying.

I watch that face start looking like it's actually Josh and then It started moving out of it's place, wait is it really Josh! Oh no it's him, oh my god!

"I love you Shar" he shouted in the whole place, making sure everyone in the place were watching us and wanting to know what happens next, "I jumped over and hugged him tightly with many questions spinning in my head, "how did you get here" "how did you afford this?" "How did you know we were here?"

"you know I couldn't leave you out here missing me.." he said in a super cute way while not releasing his arms yet.

"Well we'll visit many different places together, Kate will be with Zac" he added.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy!" I scream while holding him even tighter.

I wouldn't ignore the fact the I was mad at him, but I wanted him in that trip badly.

"We'll go to the Eiffel tower together and then go as a double date together to a restaurant" he added with an excited type of tone.

We woke up and had the best time in my life, with Josh. We visited places and Ate delectable food as we took pictures too!

After going back to the hotel, he was in the same room as I was, since Zac and Kate took another room.

He went to the toilet and forgot his phone outside, luckily, i knew the password, I went through his phone quickly to find most of his recent calls, Samantha Grey", I stopped the tears from falling when I found texts saying I love you and stuff.

He was about to get out so I quickly removed recent apps and pretended to be scrolling through my instagram.

"I can't believe you did this to me" I exploded, with uncontrollable tears streaming down my rosy cheeks.

     He sat there,on the bed, in mute misery, with his head in his hands.

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