Chapter 2: Flashback, high school

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    So, taking  a flashback to some memories:

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

It was the first year of high school and there were a lot of hot guys in class, but it wasn't like I was into them or anything, they were just hot.

   There was one of those hot boys, he had messy not-short-not-long light brown hair, had a perfect muscular body and umm ocean-like, blue and grey eyes. 

He wasn't sitting with any group of them boys in class and he wasn't noisy at all, he was sitting peacefully and concentrating yet it was still hot , I mean if he's a hot nerd, it won't bother me , it's not like we'd be kissing and he'd be reading a book while doing it.

   The math teacher introduced herself and  started asking our names as it went on turn by turn till it reached him and he quickly cleared his throat then introduced with a gentle voice "it's Josh".

   His name is kind of an attractive-type and it suits him perfectly, I thought to myself.

Wait what!? It''s Josh! He was with me in elementary I knew there was something familiar about him. Oh my god, I'm seriously dead! All kids back then called us the "love birds" since we were always together, but we were like best friends..

  It was break time and I was alone and didn't make any friends yet so I just walked thinking If I should go tell him that we went to Elementary together and remind of who I am or to just remain silent and not go embarrass myself in front of that angel-looking boy.

  " Hey" a voice called from beside me, I slowly looked to see an extremely good looking face, which I realized was him..Josh" and he actually started a conversation with me, but I couldn't tell him..

  "It's Josh" he says firmly, "It's Sharon" I reply back with a short smile, "wait Sharon?" He demands, "Is that you?" He asks with a I think I know you type of expression.

    "And yes, we went to Elementary together!" I added while forcing a smile to show how nice I am, I'm so funny right?

   He walks beside me and it's definitely making me feel a bit shy somehow because he's extremely handsome and cute, as I could feel my heart beating so fast.

  "So how are you" He asks with a short smile.

   "I'm great but I don't really like that feeling as being new to a certain place" I answer looking down at the ground.

  "Well I'm the same, being new is kind of awkward to me, let's go sit or something?" He demands already leading me to a place to sit.

  We sat down in a  place filled with silence and then, we started knowing more about each other, as we didn't really talk since Elementary and that's a lot of time. I kind of still remember some stuff about him like,  he used to live in Los Angeles before he moved to Boston, and that was because his father started working in a job here so the whole family had to move all over.

    "Well I actually had a similar story but the only different thing was that I used to live in Chicago and that's where I went to middle school" I replied with a satisfied type of smile.

  "Seems like we'll be so close like we used to be" he whispered with a cute laugh following.

  God, why can't he stop being so goddamn cute, attractive, hot every single millisecond.

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