Chapter 10: Finding more about Josh and Samantha

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10

  I quickly wiped a way my tears "Samantha is a better girl friend" I growled and slammed the door behind me while racing to Kate's bedroom, and all I could hear are footsteps chasing me, as they're the lion and I'm the prey.

  "Sharon, wait!" He whaled while chasing me.

   I got in Kate's room forgetting that Zac was in the there and I broke into tears, with my puffy red eyes, buried in my sleeve,soaking them, I sat by the door hearing him knocking and calling my name out loud, my throat was too raw with pain to speak and I was put on mute.

  "Sharon, let me explain please, before you end something that might not come back to how it was, I love you, not Samantha, she's nothing, but I can't explain more than that" He admitted with a sad tone almost about to cry.

  Of course he can't say more than that, he won't mention that I've been nothing more than a side-chic to him lately, he won't mention how much I loved him and instead of loving me equally.. he.. he loved her.

  It's been like an hour and he was gone and I was still crying a river which didn't seem to have an end, with Kate trying cheering me up and realizing that it was a mistake bringing Zac and Josh here.

  "I didn't know he was still like that.." she admitted, "Can you now talk to me or you prefer getting back to sleep?" She questioned.

  "I..i should sleep" I muttered under my breath, while facing her with my red puffy watery eyes.

  "Then c'mon" she reached for my hand while holding me and leading me to the bed, afraid i'd faint or something.

  I couldn't really sleep, I don't know how I'd be able to live without Josh around.

   Knowing about him and Samantha was something I could go back time and change knowing. How could he love two at a time? Its impossible but I don't think he loves me anymore and I don't think I could move on.

     He left me..He walked away.

- - - - - - - -

We took the first flight in the morning and I didn't even bother finding Josh, I really hated myself at the exact moment, and no one else could help me, only him.I was trying to avoid his thoughts as much as possible, as I'm not ready to break down in the flight and end up getting hospitalized in there.

Everything was changing, I really loved him and he betrayed me, he's so selfish, I truly loved him with all my heart, but every good story has a bad ending, not all of them, but ours just did.

  The flight back home was boring full of drama and negativity, I still didn't see Josh at all and had no idea how he got back home without Zac since they came together..

  "Are you feeling better Shar?" She demanded sounding worried.

  "No actually, I'm not.." I responded, blinking back tears before rolling down.

  "I'm going to college.." I confirmed.

  "You are?!" She squealed with a bright sparkling in her eyes.

  "I got accepted" "in the university of Chicago, remember?" I added.

  "I'm going on the 27th of July" I assured, I'll make sure Josh knows we're over before I leave, I'm leaving in 3 days, and I'll have to see my friends before leaving" I announced.

  "You won't come back for holiday?" She demanded.

  "I'll see, I'm not planning to bump into Josh and burst out crying with our memories flashback strike me, and ending up with him trying to fix what he did" I responded.

  "But you won't come to.. to see me?" She asked sounding surprised.

  "I will, I will of course" I replied, "I'm just saying..." I added.

  "You know I thought we'd be good like that and be the Romeo and Juliet whom no one can stop from loving each other.." I admitted holding back tears.

  "That's why I told him to come.. I thought, I was doing the right thing, I wanted you to have the perfect vacation" she added with a tone of regret.

  "You did the right thing, I did have fun, but then things changed when I went through his phone" I confessed, with blood shot eyes.

  "I'll need to text him a paragraph before leaving and letting him know that I don't want to see him ever again" I said while trying to sound serious.

The plane landed, we left the airport and went back home, I left the bag but only removed the unclean stuff so they could get washed and all cleaned up before I leave for college.

  I started typing the text when I felt like it "Dear Josh, thank you for all the times you've been there and all the times you made me happier than anyone could ever be, I really wanted you to know how much I really loved and respected you, thank you for being the perfect boyfriend, I'll miss the times we spent together and all the stupid fights we had, like: who gets to choose the movie or series, who would go get lunch since we were always lazy and what flavor we'd both get so we'd be matching, I'll also miss high school times more than anything, when all girls were jealous of how you treated me and you ended up being with me and none of them, I also remember our first kiss, which weird but cute, we both didn't know how to kiss back then in middle school so we ended up doing it all awkward, I'll really miss you Josh, and all our memories , we've met 10 years ago and now we're saying goodbye, funny isn't it? I won't end the text with I love you like I always do, but I'll end it with a, hope you find the girl of your dreams and have the perfect life with her that didn't get the chance to have, and I wanted to let you know that my wish has come true, I'm going to The University of Chicago "

  The paragraph was actually the cutest break up text, yet the saddest.

  I was trying not cry an ocean not a river, while writing that paragraph, as memories hit me like a train on a track, I didn't write all I remember, since it was getting too long and I didn't want it to be more dramatic then it already is, I just wanted him to know how much I care for him when he didn't even bother trying to call or text me.

    Anyways I'll get rid of him, since I'm leaving in days..

   "I'm finally done writing the text" I exclaimed while stretching my hand and yawning.

   "Show me!" She yelled back.

   She started reading my words and her eyes were turning red and her emotions hit me like a bullet, some tears slid down her cheeks, "wow" she mentioned while continuing the paragraph, "Wait he's typing" she slowly spit.

   "He is?" I demanded, "I thought he'd block me on that too!" I responded sarcastically.

   I reached out for my phone, and started reading his, his painful words, I was shocked.

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