Chapter 4: trouble..

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    ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

      After ordering we stayed in our seats holding our phones and not talking because when we talked we made things worse so we decided to not talk till the food finally comes.

   Kate suddenly keeps hitting me on the arms, "what do you want?" I ask annoyingly.

  "Look!" She exclaimed.

    "At what?!" I answer surprisingly.

    It''s" she hesitated.

    "Who is it, spit it out, I'm already annoyed" I confirm angrily.

    "Josh" she replied with an astonished type of emotion.

     "Wait what!??" I shout in surprise.

     "Yeah" she added.

      "This is just great, family, I see, I see" I say to myself while trying to know who he's with.

      "I'm serious Sharon, he's right there"
She points but without them noticing.

     I see him sitting with..with a girl she has brown curly hair and she's quiet tall, maybe taller than him, and she sounds older not our age.

      What the hell is he doing here, he told me he's visiting his family, no seriously is he cheating on me! well if he is i'm killing myself, be ready.

     "Sharon, are you okay?" She whispered, sounding worried.

     "Definitely not" I reply while wiping a tear from my eye.

     Even if he isn't cheating on me why did he lie!

     "What's going on" Mom asks.

     "Nothing mom" I speedily lied.

      "Isn't that Josh, over there" she interrupted while pointing at his direction.

     "Wait he's here?" I acted surprised.

     "Why is he here?" She asked.

     "I don't know, but it's a family member" I say while hoping it's a true fact.

    "Why don't you go over and sit with them" she demanded while raising her eyebrows.

   "I won't interrupt him, if he's with a family member" I added innocently, wishing I could go there and slap him.

   I just convinced her that it's just a family member so she won't tell me keep asking me to leave him and break up and stuff but still I'm not even sure who she is.

   I see them joking and laughing and talking normally,  other than mum who's spying on Josh and that girl whom I don't know yet, and that will make my lie not work.

   "Guys I'll leave" I quickly leave without him noticing me.

    I decided to pretend that I didn't see him and ask him to see if he'll lie or what, I'll test him anyways.

   I drove back home with the thought that I'll act normally and not let him know what I saw.

   I got in and ringed him up as if I didn't see him at all , he picked up and said "hey, what's up darling" .

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