Chapter 17: More classes, More Fun

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 17

Of course, me and Ethan never missed an episode, everyday we'd manage finding a to watch our daily episodes, we already finished a season.

I did enjoy spending time with him, he always has that ability to make me smile..but not as much as Josh had.

I woke up with sun shining in the room, and I rubbed my eyes quickly, and looked around to find myself back in my room, although I was in Ash's room last night.

"Don't worry sleepy head, I carried you back here, since you fell asleep on the couch and no one could wake you up" he admitted while putting on his black muscular shirt, I could tell he has six packs which look super hot on him, I stared for a while, then I cut my stare so he won't notice I was staring.

"I'll go to the gym, be back in an hour" he assured.

I quickly stood up and went over to kiss him, he was taller than me so I had to stand on my tip-toes in order to reach his head.

"I love you babe" he assured while leaving.

"More.." I replied while turning to face the window.

The class today was starting at 9, so I decided to chill a little bit and play music in the room. I quickly went through my phone and opened the app, and shuffled my chill playlist which was a meditation type of music.

And yeah it wasn't pop music this time, I had to chill, and not listen to any one singing I just wanted to look in my window and have peace with no one around, and to calm down before the class started.

I could already hear Ethan walk in on while I'm enjoying the peace time.

Instead of talking he sat down in silence and looked in the window, I seriously like that.

After 2 hours, we headed to the class since it was starting in 5 minutes and we didn't want to be late like last time and end up running near the teacher.

All my classes didn't seem that boring, although I had to focus on my studies, I also had to have fun, and having these 4 people beside me , I could've not been who I am now , If i was depressed or anything, I could've failed exams but I instead I got really good grades on all tests I had, and I have an upcoming test which I have to really focus and study hard for, it's one of the most important tests for this year.

We all left the class and decided to go to an amusement park in the weekend but for today we had to study hard, the test was in two days and the next two days are free to study in.

I spent the past two days studying and working really hard on my lessons and making sure I understand everything before the test, I didn't really hang out a lot with the squad, I mean I don't even think they did hang out the past two days, we all were anxious, we had to do our best, like every student in this college.

All students here really had to work hard to prove them selves and its actually will help in the college payment.

"Are you ready for the test?" Ethan asked in a worried tone.

"I really worked hard for that test, and I'm pretty sure I won't fail" I responded.

"Yeah it was the first time I'd ever see you act like a nerd that much" he teased.

"I'm not a nerd but when it comes to an important test, I really act like one" I admitted.

"Wow!" He responded.

"When's the test starting" I asked.

"10!" He replied.

"Don't worry you still have time to chill and calm down, maybe you should play your meditation music, it helped me chill too, not just you" he joked while also sounding serious.

"I will actually play the meditation music now, I am super worried right now and need to chill, you know If I'm that worried before any exam, I automatically fail, so yeah"
I replied, while looking through my phone and shuffling the playlist.

It was still 7, so we spent two hours of chilling in peace, I cut the silence, "shall we go eat now?" I demanded while realizing I ruined his chill time.

"Yeah we should, Let's go to the Cafeteria, the boys and Ash must be waiting for us there!" He agreed while getting and rubbing his eyes.

"I should go wash my face first, I'm feeling a bit tired" he said while heading to the toilet.

"Just grab some coffee in cafe, and you'll be fully awake" I assured while making sure he followed me downstairs with his face all wet.

The squad was waiting at the table until we showed up, they greeted us and started ordering breakfast and most importantly coffee which will help us concentrate on the test.

We were done eating and drinking our coffee, then we discussed a bit about what we'll be solving on the test, and it seemed like I wasn't the only one who acted like a nerd, they all studied pretty hard and I could tell from the way they discussed the questions that could possibly be on the test.

"What time is it?" Will questioned while waiting for someone to reply.

"It's still 9" I responded, "we got 50 minutes to go" Mason assured, while wrapping his arm around Ashley.

"We're going to the an Amusement park on Saturday right?" Ashley asked in excitement.

"Yeah we are, we really need to go have fun and act all childish somehow" Ethan teased while facing me and winking.

"Yeah we're all somehow childish from the inside" I agreed.

"18 more like 8" Mason stated.

"Oh my god, you guys, we have an exam in an hour, I started losing the info in my head" Ethan joked.

"We all just did" Ashley assured with a giggle following.

We all kept laughing then we held our phone a bit and revised the hard parts, that we always forget.

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