Chapter 12: Leaving to UOC

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 12

   It was Josh.

  "I had to see you before you leave" he admitted with his red eyes which were filled with tears.

    That's just so cool, he'll ruin my go to college plans too.

   I didn't know what to do, but It went by pretty fast,  I slammed the door and didn't even answer, and just sat there with my back facing it, and my tears sliding down my cheeks.

   "I just wanted to see you, I don't care If you wanted to see me or not, I'll miss you, and by the way I loved you since the first moment I saw you and I'll never get over the feeling I got when I first met you.. Goodbye my love" He concluded while slowly walking away, I could hear his footsteps slowly moving away from the door.

   Why does he always show up and make things worse, I mean I did want to see him but, not like that. It's hard to see him crying in front me, it's hard seeing him, it brings back the feeling I've been trying to het over.

   I heard the door knock again, I raced to the door angrily and opened without even looking, "why do you always show up and make things worse, I was trying to forget you, I don't want you anymore, is it that hard to understand" I shouted on top of my lungs.

  "Relax Sharon, It's me Kate, are u dreaming or something?" She questioned looking confused.

   "What happened?" She added.

   "Josh just showed up a couple of minutes ago, he told me he wanted to see me before I leave" I replied.

    "I should've not left you alone, are you okay?" She questioned while patting my shoulder.

   "I'm fine, I need to go sleep, the flight's in hours" I confirmed.

   "Well yeah you should, I'll wake up with you at 6" she assured me while making her way to the bedroom.

   I quickly fell on the bed without thinking of anything else.

- - - - - - - - -

  "Wake up! Sleepy head" my sister teased while waking me up.

  "C'mon get your bags your flight is in 2 hours" she said while helping me put my bags in the car.

  I was already dressed before I went to sleep, so I didn't have to change. I kept yawning and was feeling really tired as I didn't get enough sleep yesterday.

"C'mon Shar, you can sleep on the plane, but for now you should concentrate" she shouted.

We got in the car after checking that all my luggage was in there, we took Kat's BMW blue car, and made our way to the airport, although we live in Boston and this time I was traveling from Boston airport which wasn't that far.

   "Can I change the pop music now?" She questioned sounding already pissed.

   "C'mon Kate, I'm leaving in an hour, you can listen to everything you want when I'm gone" I stated.

   "Who will I keep annoying when you're gone?" She asked sarcastically.

   "Not me.." I replied while staring at the window.

    We arrived at the airport and of course I didn't change my pop-music playlist, we unbuckled our seat belts and got off the car while taking the bags with us inside.

I said goodbye to Kate who was holding back her tears, "i'll miss you so much, take care of yourself"
she said while wiping her own tears. "I won't be long gone, I'll come back here for Christmas" I assured.

I quickly hugged her tight trying not to cry, and told her goodbye since the pane was leaving in 20 minutes, I looked back to see her trying to force a smile and then I dashed to the flight.

Finally, I didn't miss the flight and made it inside but I did miss my sister already, I'll have no one there to talk to but I'll make sure I'll always be in touch with her..

The seat number was 199, I kept looking both ways till I found 197 and realized I was the one after, 198,199, I sat on seat 199, which was a window seat.

I didn't want to think about Josh but something popped on my lock screen.

I mean no one used facebook but It has that new update, it reminds you of what happened that day, but years ago or a year ago.

It mentioned "Go back to that day July 27 2014", I quickly opened the notification which takes me to the app itself and starts loading.

"You and Josh Walker became friends 27/7/2014 on FaceBook" then "Josh mentioned you in a post 27/7/2016 and it goes on with our memories over the years.

I feel like he's after me everywhere even on the flight, even when I blocked him, everything else is reminding me of him.

The captain announced that the plane is taking off and stuff and started taking a look in what they have on that little Tv thing, which didn't have anything different than last time me and Kate travelled. I decided to watch Endless Love, I never really got bored of that movie.

Two hours had already passed and I finished the movie and started listening to music since I couldn't really sleep, besides we were about to land in Chicago already.

We landed safely and I dashed to get my bags and slid my back on one shoulder and made my way to the check out.

I ordered uber and made my way to the dorm I'll be staying in Uni.

I've never been to Chicago so it was fun watching the streets of Chicago, while listening to music on the way to my dorm.

The place seemed quite and not that crowded in my opinion. I continued listening to music, while avoiding thoughts of Josh. Oh I must text Kate and tell her that I'm in Chicago, as she might be worried I didn't call.

"Hey Kate, I'm in Chicago now, and I'm heading to the dorm I'll be staying in" I typed then sent making sure it's delivered before I turn off my cellular data.

She called immediately, "How's Chicago?" She questioned in excitement, "it sounds cool, I mean I didn't go anywhere yet but It doesn't have many people and the place seem good" I replied. "Call me when you're in your dorm!" She said, "Of course I will" I assured.

I ended the call and played the music again, and thought to myself my playlist is perfect, why doesn't Kate like it, while sounding confused and proud of myself.

"We're almost there" the driver shouted making sure I could hear his voice over the music I'm already listening to.

I picked my backpack and out it beside so I could throw over my shoulder as soon as we arrive.

"We're here" he shouted, while looking at me and realizing my headphones aren't on anymore.

I opened the car door and got down while he helped me carry all my bags to the dorm, I could see many students heading to the dorm same as I was. I felt a bit shy since I didn't know anyone, I just stood there and let out a big breath "you can do it" I said to myself, then made my way inside while thanking the driver for helping me carry the bags and not sounding rude.

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