Chapter 6: Game still on

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯  6

    *phone ringing* okay it's Josh, i'm definitely not taking this.

"Start showing him that you changed in your actions with him, and he'll start knowing that you found out about Samantha" she assured me.

"I don't even know who Samantha is to judge him but we'll see" I replied.

I honestly loved him so much that I was trying to find any excuse to not believe he was cheating on me, although I'm not even sure he was.

*phone ringing* "ugh he's calling again kate!" i yelled with anger.

"Okay just take it and see if he has something to say" She replied with a sigh.

"Hey Shar, why weren't you answering" he asks confidently.

"Oh no no it's nothing, my phone was on silent and i was busy with Kate that's all" I replied, I'm a big fat liar.

"Are you free this evening?" He demanded.

"No I'll stay with Kate for a while" I responded.

"Does this have anything to do with me?" He asks while starting to worry.

"No no, it's just.. i need to spend more time with her you know" I reply while trying to stop myself from laughing.

We ended the call, then I bursts out laughing, " oh my god shar, you need an award for the #1 best liar ever" she teased while laughing along.

"It's my thing.." I reply with extra confidence.

"Ok ok, what will you do next?" She demanded.

"Nothing really, I'll keep on doing that till he says the truth, he'll probably notice that." I responded sounding like a detective or something.

"Besides, i'm not that dumb to not now his cousin's name, it's Elle not Samantha" I added.

"Woah, so he has no excuse?" She questioned.

"Ofcourse he doesn't" I reply, also looking like a detective.
       "Let's go eat breakfast and have coffee in Starbucks" She asked in excitement.

       "I wouldn't mind having another cup of coffee besides the one you just made me" I teased with a giggle.

      "I don't care, Let's go!" She shouted with a teasing type of smile.

      We headed to my car which was still laying in her drive way, We made our way to Starbuck which wasn't that far.

     On our way, we played pop music again, because it's my favorite type, then all of a sudden she played rock music which was so freakin' loud.

     "Oh my god Kate, how do you listen to rock music, it's awful, plus why did you change the song!" I argued while playing the song "We don't talk anymore, by Charlie Puth" again.

      "Shar, this song is so old, I've listened to it like a 100 times before, why are you always that boring" she replied.

      "Yeah i know but I've listened to it 99 times only, I'll have to make it to 100" I teased while turning the volume up.

      "Can you ever be serious?" She  questioned while laughing.

    Here we are, we entered StarBucks and we don't talk anymore was playing there.

   "Oh my god Shar, even in starbucks, you're controlling the playlist!" She teased while heading to the counter.

    "See! they love me so much hehehe" I replied with a mean look.

   "Two Caramel frappe without whipped cream please?" I ordered without even asking what she wants,  because I got used to her order.

   "What if I wanted something else this time?" She asked while laughing.

    "I'm sure you won't" I admitted.

     "Oh and two chocolate muffins" she ordered before he could ask the ones after us.

     "Who told you I wanted a chocolate muffin?" I teased.

     We took the tray and headed to a table with two seats.

     "Let's get back to you and Josh" she said while taking a sip if her coffee.

     "What about us?" I demanded.

     "Oh okay, so I'll just pretend nothing happened and try to know more about that Samantha" I quickly added while eating the chocolate muffin.

      "You know you're smart right? She asked while drinking her coffee.

      "Yeah I know" I responded in a confident way while still eating the muffin.

       We finished our muffins and left Starbucks with the two coffee cups in our hands.

      "Want to go shopping?" She asked, while looking super excited.

      "Of course I do!" I replied in enthusiasm.

      "Let's go!" she shouted while racing to the car, almost dropping her coffee.

      We drove to a mall nearby, and parked our car then walked inside.

     "Let's check PINK!?" She asked.

    "That blue tshirt is so you!" She admitted.

    "I'll try it on" i replied.

   "Okay I'm buying it" i said while taking the tshirt to the counter.

    "29$" the man at the counter asked.

    I quickly opened my brown Louis Vuitton purse and handed him 30$.

    We then looked around the mall and I ended getting Levi's jeans, PINK tshirt, Hollister short jeans and a MK handbag. I spent like 100$ or something.

   "That was pretty cool!" she admitted with a happy looking face.

   "I know right!" I assured her while holding my shopping bags and making my way to the car.

   We went back home, since I'm staying with her anyways. We opened Netflix on her Samsung Tv, and started watching a series called "The Shadow Hunters", I really wanted to watch that series.

   "Before we start, did you ever watch that series" she demanded.

    "No, not all" I confirmed.

     We started the series, and it seemed really cool.

       "I'll go get Chinese noodles for lunch" she decided, while making her way out.

       "Just don't be late!" I tease.

       I quickly opened my phone and searched Josh's instagram account, to find out he blocked me, because he's not found at all in the search results.

        I opened iMessages, and typed "You're so good at hiding stuff, you know! Blocking me was the beat idea!" I quickly sent the text and stopped myself from crying since I was about to cry a river right now.

         "Hey Shar, where you at, the noodles are ready" she shouted.

      She made her way to the bedroom to find me already crying a river which seemed to not have an end.

      "Oh my god Sharon, what happened? talk to mee!!" she shouted in a worried tone.

      "I - I , uh Josh blocked me on instagram and didn't reply to my text" I respond with a sound that anyone could barely hear or understand.

     "Well, he's a bitch and you should leave him!" She admitted.

      "Now c'mon eat your noodles and we'll decide what to do next" she said while holding my hand and leading me outside.

       I started to eating my noodles, then a text popped on my screen.

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