Chapter 30: Sparky and Sushi

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 30

     I just kept staring without an answer, I didn't prepare an answer.. a lie.

    What should I say now?

     "Are you okay Shar?" Mum questioned while looking at me worriedly.

    "Oh sorry I was just staring" I replied while shaking my head and facing her.

     "What were you asking again?" I demanded trying to change the subject.

     "Josh" Noah replied, with his examining eyes.

     "Oh yeah, he's good,he just travelled" I lied, hoping they'd believe .

    "Hmm interesting" Noah replied.

     "So what do you guys want to do today?" Kate changed the subject.

       "Let's go eat sushi, for lunch" Noah shouter in excitement.

      "Yeah totally" I agreed, sushi is my life, although I haven't eaten it in a while but still when it comes to sushi I'd never disagree..ever!

     "Besides tomorrow I'd be all busy, I'll hangout with Hannah and the boys" he assured.

    Hannah is his girlfriend, they've been dating since middle school, now that's what I call a "lasting love story" , or whatever you want to call it.

    We were all done eating our donuts, so we decided to watch any movie until lunch time.

   Even though they chose the worst movie they could ever think of..I had to sit in watch calmly as not to ruin the family gathering.

The movie was so predictable and boring, I mean before the ending came, I already knew what'll happen..although I never watched that movie before but it's just awful.

I had to fake smile while watching to show them how interesting the movie was and to be that party pooper girl.

"That third-rate!" Noah whispered to Kate and I.

"Not even a third-rate, if a tenth-rate existed I'd proudly give it that" Noah muttered holding back a giggle.

"I know right" Kate agreed.

"Hey there, you guys, what are you talking about?" Mum turned to look at us whispering.

"About how much we love the movie" Kate fake smiled at her.

"Yeah yeah totally" I added a lie.

"Hmm I see" mum side eyed us.

"Do you think she noticed?" Noah questioned in a hushed tone.

    "It's too obvious" I stated under my breath.

    "It is?" He asked sounding confused.

    "Yep, now stop talking because they already noticed that something's going on" Kate concluded.

   We watched that movie and kept glancing at each either with that "can it get any worse" type of look.

   "Oh mum, dad, Kate, Noah.." I hesitated after calling their names already.

   "I got you something..close your eyes" I stated while heading to my bedroom, and grabbing the wrapped gifts from my backpack.

    I placed each's gift on their legs and then "open now".

    They all opened their eyes and each one un wrapped their gift with excited looking eyes and stunned facial expressions.

   "I love you so much!" Kate shouted while hugging me so tight.

   "Sissy, better do that every year, I love you" Noah announced while hugging me and smiling at my face.

   "But..we got a better surprise for you.." They all announced at a time, as if they were already planning me a surprise.

    "Go to the basement." Kate pointed , and I could see all of them smiling already while looking at the basement door.

   The worst part about surprises is that you can sometimes imagine something in your mind and it turns out being something else..

    I walked towards the basement door with my heart beating super fast,  then I finally took a deep breath and walked down the stairs slowly but curious to know what the surprise is at the same time.

   I looked around in all directions and then I thought I was in a dream..

   I took closer steps towards the cage..the puppy cage..and could see a Golden Retriever with that pure gold color which is my favorite type.

   I could see the insanely adorable pup wagging it's tail, wanting me to play with it, then I saw a card which was sticking on the cage.

   'We knew you always wanted him, a dog, and that's why we decided to get you one, hope its not too late!" From: Dad,mum,Noah and Kate.

   "Oh my god, I love you guys so so so so freakin much!" I shouted on top of my lungs in excitement with happy tears sliding my cheeks.

   I quickly opened the cage door and carried my new pup, which will be my best-est friend ever forever.

   "Sparky" I called, "I'll name him sparky" I stated while hugging sparky closer to me and turning to face them all standing and watching me silently with happy tears filling their eyes.

   "Thank you guys!" I shouted while still patting Sparky.

    "You should take Sparky with you to know" Dad announced while leaning down to pat Sparky.

   "I will" I agreed while giving him a short smile.

   "Now c'mon, get dressed, you don't want to be late for sushi" Mum shouted while racing upstairs and we all followed her.

   I took Sparky and his cage on the way upstairs.

   I then put him in my room and placed his new food and water bowls on the floor, and poured water in one of them, then I put some dry food in the other bowl, as he came rushing towards the sound of dry food hitting the bowl.

   I patted him one last time then started changing into a white off-shoulder top, and ripped dark blue jeans.

   "I'm ready" I stated while stepping out of the room.

   "Let's head to the car!" Dad announced while we all followed him to the car, his black Porsche obviously not my Mercedes car.

   Dad played the radio and we all sat in silence till we finally arrived at our destination.. 'O-Ya" which was the Sushi restaurant we were going's one of the best in Boston.

  "A table for 5 please" Dad informed the man.

   We followed the man's lead to the table and we were finally there.

   "Thank you" We stated while we sat ourselves on the couch, but not all of us, Noah and Dad took the 2 chairs.

   The waiter handed each one a menu and we all started taking a look at our menus in silence till each one finally knew what they'd order so Dad called the waiter.

   After we all ordered what we wanted, we waited patiently for our sushi to come.

   I was kind of starving though..I reached out for my phone and started scrolling in my instagram which had nothing fun to do..everyone had stories of them traveling and stuff like that.

   I looked at them all around to find them all on their phones too, not just me, which was kind of boring, I had nothing to do but stare at the table and wait impatiently for the sushi.

   Finally, the waiter walked towards us with a tray which had each one's plate. I ordered like 30 pieces myself.

   I gripped my chopsticks hungrily and took one of the California rolls which was mouth-watering making me want to eat a hundred pieces of it or something.

   After hungrily taking the last piece I stared at my empty plate for a while, then headed to the toilet.

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