Chapter 27: Back home; Back to Boston

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 27

"Mason..Will, What are you guys doing here?" Ash asked while still standing at the door.

I quickly walked over to join the conversation, "what is it guys?"
i added.

"We'll just miss you both so we thought of coming over and saying goodbye.." Mason announced while not breaking eye-contact with Ashley.

     They're so cute I swear..

    "Ash, I think you and mason need your privacy, or at least a 30 minute time alone.." I whispered.

    "I think you're right but it won't last more than 10 mins, I'm not leaving you...remember?" She questioned in a low tone while her eyes meet Mason's again.

     "Mason, Come in" I invited, then headed out, making sure they both are all alone in there.

     "Will, Let's go do anything" I stated  while facing him.

    "Let's go grab smoothies or anything from the cafe" He announced while leading me to cafe.

    "Yeah a smoothie would be great for now, or something to eat maybe..we'll get coffee on our way to the airport so.." I replied while stopping at the counter and waiting for him to come.

     "One turkey sandwich and one berry smoothie, to go" Will ordered while facing the man on the counter.

     Will payed for both of us, now Ethan's gone and Will's paying for me, but it is a gentleman act.

    I grabbed the turkey sandwich with a quick thank you to the man, and we both headed back upstairs since it was 3:45 and we had 15 minutes to go.

     I knocked three times in a row before entering as not to disturb their privacy or any conversation.

    "Come in, Shar" Ashley invited, while kissing Mason, a goodbye type of kiss.

    "I won't be long gone, I promise" She informed him with a tears streaming down her cheeks.

    "Goodbye Ash, will miss you" he announced, while slowly walking out of the room.

    "Wow, that goodbye of yours though" I teased while giggling.

   "Shut up" she shouted while laughing and throwing a pillow at my face.

    "You don't want to try that again" I side-eyed her with a laugh.

    "Oh no, never" she admitted while placing the pillow back in it's place.

     "We should get ready by now!" I stated while changing to grey sweatpants and a white tshirt, and brushing my dirty blonde hair into a pony tail.

     "Let's go" Ash stated while sliding the backpack over her shoulder.

    "Lets go" I repeated while heading out of the room and taking one last glance, making sure I took everything with me.

"Will's driving us to the airport" she stated while heading to Will's room.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot" I admitted while waiting patiently for him to get out of the room.

"Hey girls, sorry for keeping you waiting" Will stepped out and apologized.

We raced to the car, and placed our bags inside, then sat ourselves and the trip to the airport began.

We didn't take much time and arrived in like 30 minutes.. as Will's a speedy driver and the road wasn't crowded at all.

"Bye Will and thank you" we waved at him, while walking towards the entrance.

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