Chapter 11: The break, break UP

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 11

  "I'm really tired of fighting and showing you how much I love and care for you, I know I don't deserve you, you deserve someone who'll always be there for you and never get too busy, I'm not hiding anything from you and I never could love anyone but you, even If you end up going to a different place and I end up staying here, I won't love anyone more than I love you, you were the one who walked in my life and changed it, I could've been dying my whole life if I didn't find you, and you think that Samantha is actually someone I could fall for she's just a case, I can't tell you anything more I swear, if I could tell you than I would've told you but It would get us both in danger, I don't want you to end up dead and I end up committing suicide because you're not around anymore.." the text says.

   I honestly don't know what he meant by just a case but why would he be dating her if he only cares for me. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming and I couldn't stop my mind from overthinking, everything was just great..

I was clueless, all I know was that i'd be leaving to college in a day and today is my last day here. I just couldn't forgive him and I don't think I ever will..

   "It's a break-up Josh, I don't care If you like it or not, you might enjoy the rest of your life with that Samantha but just so you know, I'm a better person, and no one will ever treat or love you like I did" I replied making sure it's delivered.

   Then I decided to not reply to any of his texts again and ignore him for the rest of li-, my lie, not life ;(

  I made plans today with some friends I never seen in a while. I was now getting ready, trying to deny the fact that we broke up and forcing a fake smile on. Afterwards, I went on convincing myself "You can do it Sharon, a boy won't damage you like that,  there are tons of fish in the Ocean; you can find other guys, even better than..than him..Josh"

  I put on skinny jeans and a white off shoulder crop top, then brushed my dirty blonde hair and made a cute half bun.

  I dashed to the car since I was already late, I had to pass by Amy and Carla as they had no one to give them a car ride to Taco Bell.

  I was waiting for Amy and Carla which live on the same street, and they already came in sight and I could tell they were walking fast.

  "Oh my god finally Amy, Carla, I really missed you guys!" I shouted while hugging both of them at the same time.

  "How did it go in Paris, I saw your pictures on instagram!" Carla asked eagerly.

"I really did have fun" I lied,  "That's soo cool" they shouted at the same time, well I didn't really lie but the part when Josh came and ruined most of the fun I was having, wasn't really a lie.

Kate was actually right, boys only ruin everything, why can't they learn for once in their lives that breaking girls isn't cool, it's..uh..a fuck boy thing, so they're only describing themselves as that when they do.

"How's Josh?" Amy asked, "I tried to not break down while driving and kept repeating that in my head, "You can do it Sharon, a boy won't damage you like that,  there are tons of fish in the Ocean; you can find other guys, even better than..than him..Josh", I just replied with, "we're fine" and didn't talk about it.

  I parked and we all entered Dunkin Donuts, and I could see Harry, Stephen, Hannah and Jacob waiting for us at a table of 7.

  "Aaah I missed you all so much" I screamed on top of my lungs while hugging each one in order with a smile on my face.

  "It's been years.." Harry stated while sipping his coffee.

  "How's Josh?" Jacob demanded, "he's okay" I replied.

  "Why didn't he come today?" Stephen questioned sounding confused.

"He's been busy with stuff lately" I responded trying to get away from the subject.

"Oh I heard you guys broke up.." Hannah mentioned sarcastically while raising an eyebrow, I always hated her to be honest, she was kinda into Josh for years and was always jealous of me.

"I gotta go" I stated while heading to the toilet.

  "Why didn't you tell us you broke up with him Shar!" Harry shouted while rushing towards me.

  I feel a hand grab mine and I look at him, he slowly wiped my tears and took me somewhere else to talk.

  "Why didn't you tell us?" He demanded in a confused tone.

   "Because I love him and I can't even believe the fact that we broke up, I don't know what I'll do without him in my life, and I guess Hannah won now, she can go and do whatever she wants" I replied while stopping my tears from steaming down my pinkish, shaded-cheeks.

  "He loves you too Shar, but why did you break up?" He questioned, "It's complicated" I replied while putting a strand of her behind my ear.

  "I don't even want to know the reason, but I want to make sure you're okay before going all alone to college" he noted while looking me in the eye, "I'll always be here for you" he reassured while putting his hands on my cheeks and squeezing them making them look kind of reddish.

   "Thank you so much Harry, I'm really lucky to have a best friend like you" I admitted while hugging him tightly.

    "Don't thank me!" He shouted.

    "Now go tell them goodbye and stuff, you need to have some time alone in peace before leaving to college" He said while getting up and leading me there.

     Guys I'll have to leave now, Harry will tell you all about it, but I'll have to go now" I said while hugging each one.

     I left while trying not to think about the Josh situation.  I drove back home to find Kate waiting for me inside.

    "I got you sushi!" She shouted knowing it'll change my mood.

    "I love sooo freakin' much" I shouted.

     I started eating my sushi and there were a lot, she must've spent a lot of money.

     When I was done eating, I told her about what happened today and how Harry helped get through it and told he'd always be there and stuff, I'm really lucky to have a best friend who cares for me as he does.

     "Don't you want to get a specific thing before leaving tomorrow?" She questioned.

    "I'll only need some snacks so I could eat some on the flight.." I said while staring at my empty plate.

   "Okay tell  me what you want and I'll go to the supermarket now" she stated.

    "Beef jerky, cheese popcorn (any brand), Lays  salt flavor and Doritos with garlic flavor.

    "Okay I'm going now, and you pack your bags and make sure you didn't forget anything" she said while heading to the door.

    I check my bag and made sure all the clothes I needed were in there, I also put my essential stuff in my backpack, specially my headphones of course.

   I could hear the door knocking and realized it's Kate, since I'm not expecting anyone else, so I opened the door and surprisingly it wasn't her....

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