Chapter 25: Explinations & breakups

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 25

After finishing the movie, we walked out, the ending was so hard for me to handle, as I broke into tears in the movie..

I hate romance movies with sad endings, because its like a dumb act, it could be the best movie if it didn't have that ending, of someone dying or anything like that.

I mostly search google 'Romance movies with happy endings' so I won't have to deal with all the crying and suspense..

I wiped my tears away with the scenes of the movie spinning in my head non-stop and making me cry even more.

"Oh my god Shar, you shouldn't watch Romance movies with sad endings" she quickly read my mind and giggled.

"Yeah totally" I agreed, while walking out of the cinema.

We headed to the car, and played Pop music, since it's out favorite type.

    "So, tell me you're better now!" She let out a deep breath while forcing a smile.

    "In fact I am!" I shouted over the music so she could hear.

     She really did change my mood somehow, but I hope the Overthinking session won't kick in this time..

     "Booom! We're here" she stated while taking the keys off and unbuckling her seat belt.

     "We're back..back to black" i teased while opening my car door.

"Wowowowo" she shouted, "no black here honey" she continued while giggling.

"Nah, that's my favorite color" I smirked while walking upstairs and realizing she's reached the top of it.

"What do we do now?" She questioned, while waiting for me to finally reach her.

"I should start packing my bags you know.." I assured while heading to the room and following her.

"Oh I almost forgot" she sighed, "but still..we can do something after that, besides we're in the same flight we'll rock it in there!" She shouted excitedly.

"We could just stay up till 4, the flight's at 6:30, so we'll start making our way to the airport at..uhh.. 5:30 maybe?" I demanded while throwing myself on the bed.

"Okay, Let's just pack for now, and spend some time with the boys before leaving" ..I interrupted "no. Not Ethan again".

"Well we could just meet up with Will and Mason, then we could say bye to Ethan before leaving" she assured while getting up and heading to her closet.

"But..uh..most of my stuff are in my room and Ethan's.." I stated while hitting my head.

"Oh.." she hesitated with an O shape in her mouth.

"Then, I should come with you.. or no?" She questioned with confusion.

"I'll just go pack my stuff and leave with no word" I replied while walking towards the door.. then I paused and started at the door knob.

"You think he'll be okay with me around right now..?" I demanded while turning to face her.

"Well it's not up to him to want you around or not, so just go" she assured while making a pony tail so she could finally start packing.

I made my way to the room and let out a deep breath, then I walked in.

He looked tired and I could see it in his eyes as I walked in on him.

He was holding one of my polaroids..the ones I hanged on the wall, and tears kept streaming down his cheeks and into the ground with his blood shot eyes.

"Uh.. Ethan?" I called while I was still standing at the door.

He quickly hid the picture and wiled his tears, "Come in, come in" he invited with that tired and sad type of voice.

I quickly threw my clothes in the bag, took all my make up and all, then walked out.

"Wait Sharon" he shouted while grabbing my arm.

"Did you really mean what you were saying yesterday..?" He demanded with tears filling his eyes filled with exhaustion.

"I-umm I" I hesitated, "What part?" I continued.

"The part that you deserve someone who really loves you..yes I meant it, each and every word" I added.

"I'll miss you Sharon, and you might be right about that, but I'll never find your type in any other girl..ever" He stated while wiping a tear which slid from his eye.

"Goodbye Ethan" I left before I could burst into tears.

But before I reach Ash's room, he called from behind, "Shar"

Then he turned around to be infront of me face to face..

"I love you, and I'll never forget all we had, I don't know if we're over or not, but if we'll never be together again, I just want you to know that you stepping into my life was a blessing and something i'd never really regret, but you exiting and I letting you go is a whole other
thing.." He stated while hugging me tight, and I had nothing to do at that exact moment..

    I release my hands which were wrapped around his waist and said goodbye without giving him the chance to utter a word.

    I really felt bad for him..for leaving him like that..but I had nothing to do but..walk away. I can't really be his roommate again, after I come back from Boston. I'll just ask them to change the roommate and get any excuse.

     "Are you going to be like that for the rest if the night? Silence silence silence.." Ash questioned while sitting on the bed and watching me prepare the bag.

     "Its really hard, Ash" I replied while placing the tshirt in the bag and turning to her.

      "I can't do this anymore...why did I even tell Ethan that I loved him, when all my thoughts were stolen by Josh" I added while continuing to fold my clothes.

      "You can't keep blaming yourself for everything like that.. you did really love him, but no as Josh, and that is kind of possible" she let out a deep breath.

     "When you someone and can't forget about them, it's possible to try loving someone else, but you'll never feel the same way about them, so eventually you'll keep going back to that one, true love, the one you really fell for, and that's Josh" she stated and her words hit me badly.

   "Oh" I responded.

  She is right, he's the one I fell for, he's the one, but I can't keep on loving him when I know this road leads to pain and damage, but it still is the toad meant for me to walk through and I'm not sure if my life without him would be a life.

    "Sharon,I knew you weren't meant for Ethan and he wasn't meant for you" she admitted.

    "But that doesn't mean you give up on trying to love someone else, it can't just be Josh" She added while getting up and standing still.

    "What if I tried and failed, what if I'm meant to be replaced.. He did actually replace me somehow, with his.." she interrupted me.

    "Sharon, he could never replace you, from what you told me about you guys, I don't think he did replace you, he needed time but no, you can't be that easy to leave..that Samantha.. I don't think she'll ever be a thing to him compared to you" she continued while hitting me on the back and walking to the bed again.

    I just miss him, the Josh I always loved, I think it's time to move on or at-least give it a second try...

   "Shar, you got a text from Kate..wait Josh's name is in the text" she shouted while looking through my phone.

     Oh no its not him again what's the text about anyways...Him trying to explain who the hell is Samatha.. ugh.

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