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Logan was watching an impressive fight between Team JNPR and Team BRNZ at the tournament. The way Nora Valkyrie absorbed the shock from Nolan Porfirio's weapon and then hits Nolan with her Magnhild made Logan remarked, "Oh, that's gotta hurt. That would make Thor proud." Then eventually they stopped for some reason. Logan watched as Team BRNZ was standing there confused as everyone in Team JNPR was having a team meeting. Logan was just as confused himself. Next thing he knew, One of the BRNZ teammates shouted, "Hey!" JNPR turned to them as he shouted, "What do you think you're doing!?" Jaune yelled matter-of-factly, "Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very little!" Nora exclaimed, "Yeah! Team ears only!" She emphasized by pointing to her own ears. BRNZ shrugged at each other as the same guy yelled, "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT!" Jaune shot back, "AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION! WHAT DON'T YOU GET ABOUT THAT!?" Then the crowd started cheering as Pyrrha points out to Jaune they are all in the middle of a fight. Jaune exasperatedly ordered to Nora, "Nora, just... hit them with the hammer." Nora smirked, "Got it." Without warning, Nora leaped toward BRNZ and slammed her hammer on all four of them and they went flying right on the force field protecting the crowd. Logan was impressed as he wondered, "Where can I get myself one of those?"

Even Thor was amazed by this as he commented, "By Odin's beard, I wonder if 't be true this Nora Valkyrie cameth from Asgard herself."

The crowd cheered as Port announced, "And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout, literally! ...Can someone go make sure they're okay?"

Team JNPR left as Oobleck announced, "Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next one will have them on the edge of their seats!" Port nodded, "Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite, but these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teammates we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN!"

Logan spotted a couple girls holding up posters of Team SSSN. Three of them had the three guys faces including Neptune, but one had Sun's abs. Logan could only roll his eyes as he looked at Scott Summers who was same reaction. Apparently Jean Grey was a fan of SSSN, too. Scott murmured, "I'm guessing that's how you feel about me, right?" Logan nodded, "Oh, yeah. Big time." Port added, "Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!" Weiss cheered sweetly, "Good luck, Neptune!" Then Logan saw Neptune flirt with the competition as he face palmed. Scott also pinched the sides of his nose as he said, "You and I may not agree on some things but now I feel like I'm gonna puke." Logan nodded. Then Weiss angrily yelled, "Break his stupid face, NDGO!" Logan tried to hide a smirk as he said to Scott, "15 lien says Dew Gayl will break Neptune's face." Scott smiled and nodded, "You're on!" They both laughed as Scott asked shocked, "Did we just become friends?" Logan answered, "Yep."

The half that NDGO was on was a deserted climate with rocky bunkers. Then on SSSN's half was ocean with pirate like themes. Logan started to notice that Neptune was not acting like himself. As in frozen in fear. Ruby asked, "Uhh, what's wrong with Neptune?" Blake remembered, "Oh, no. Neptune's ... afraid of the water." Yang was surprised as Logan shook his head and said, "This is not good."

The match begun but Neptune made a mad dash on top of the mountain. Sage asked, "Neptune, what are you doing?!" Neptune yelled down, "Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!" Sun asked exasperated, "On the enemy's side?!" Neptune replied, "They would never expect it!" Dew nodded to her teammates, "He's not wrong." Nebula ordered, "Open fire!" The four girls ran as the three boys ran after them. Sage with his sword raised and Scarlet having ditched his coat. He comes up on Octavia Ember emerging out from a nearby arch and tries to slice her with his cutlass. She ducks under the swing and continues sliding away, past the middle of Dew and Sage getting ready to rumble. Sage hefts his giant blade overhead, only to get knocked back by Dew's spear. He glances up in time to see the blonde wave her weapon over the sand to create three small twisters that kick up dust in Sage's face. He looks around as they surround him, but doesn't realize the danger until they coalesce into one big tornado that picks him up off the ground. With his weapon torn out of his grip and screaming in panic, he's totally helpless as the winds throw him and his blade out of the arena. Oobleck announced, "And NDGO gains the advantage!" Octavia slides in front of Sun and Scarlet, who ready themselves to fight her just as she spins her sword around and produces a wave of flame that kicks up dust in their faces. Sun manages to jump out of the cloud and called, "Neptune!" Neptune leaps down as Octavia tries to blind him with a fire attack but Neptune puts on his goggles and fired a blast at Octavia. She deflected it but was too late to react when Sun kicked her in the face as he grinned. Now furious, Octavia brings her blade onto Sun's Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form as he spins it all around his body while hitting several parts of hers. He ends it with a jab that knocks Octavia on her back in the sand. Port announced, "Oh! And we're down to 3-on-3!"

Neptune fights against Gwen Darcy as she circles him with her flying knives and Scarlet attempting to go weapon-to-weapon with Dew. She merely calls upon another sandy cyclone to lift Scarlet up, and he revolves around the spiral until it launches him over the shipwreck. It looked like he's about to be eliminated at well, but he extends his arms and manages to dive onto a part of the mast, almost losing his balance once the pole's under his feet. He eventually finds his balance right when Nebula closes in and launches an arrow with her crossbow at the mast, using it to jump right up to where Scarlet is. She folds up the sides of her weapon into a blade to cross swords with her opponent, the both of them ducking and missing or getting hit by the hilts until Nebula slams her metal over Scarlet's and forces him to lean back on the post. Luckily, he manages to get his sword back out from the trap and feign a swing at Nebula's feet before knocking into her with his elbow, causing the NDGO leader to fall into the sand below. From his position, Scarlet sees Gwen continue to throw her knives, and he smirked, "Gotcha!" He whipped out his pistol and shot the hilt guard as a grappling hook to get her by the ankle. The cord lifts Gwen into the air upside down as she tried to cover herself with her dress. That unfortunately let her knifes out which almost got Scarlet but to his relief, they missed.

Sun threw two coconuts at Dew but she deflects them with her spear. That made them catch on fire as they hit poor Scarlet's groin. That dropped his Aura levels as he fell on his back.

Logan and Scott cringed on that. "Oh, I hope the little kids at home didn't see that," said Scott. Logan nodded wordlessly.

Sun sighed, "Nuts!" He turned to see Dew make a few water cyclones as Sun leaped away. "Uh, Neptune? Could use some help, buddy!" called Sun. Neptune called back, "Uh, you know, uh, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah, I can guard this... sector! We're in lockdown mode!" Sun asked in disbelief, "What are you talking about? There's nothing to lock down!" Neptune nodded, "Lockdown! Right! You got it!" Sun jumped away from Dew's spear as he called, "Dude, I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-" Dew then jumped toward Sun to get him but she got blasted in midair and into the water. Neptune quipped, "There! I helped! Are you happy now!?" Then he pauses for a moment as he quickly denied, "Also, I am not afraid of water, and I have no idea what you are talking about!" Dew begins to get back up as Nebula and Gwen join her. Sun yelled, "NEPTUNE!" Neptune shouted, "Okay, fine! Just get out of the water!" Sun gets out as Neptune turned his gun into its trident form and puts it in the water. That shocked the three girls as it gave Team SSSN a victory. Then Sun and Neptune started to do a victory dance. "And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round!" announced Port.

Logan got up and stretched out his limbs. "Well, that was quite a match, eh Summers?" asked Logan. Scott nodded, "Yep." Jean asked, "Do you think Professor Xavier could make us X-Men?" Logan replied, "You're gonna have to ask him on that." Scott nodded, "All right. See ya." They both left as Logan got back on his chair.

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