X-Men Forever Part 2

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Logan unmasked himself as he walked out proudly with his team. John Wraith teased, "I still see you wearing the suit that I helped design." Logan shrugged, "It's kinda growing on me." He grabbed his hip flask and took a drink. Then a purple haired girl in a dark blue "swimsuit" with a red fleecy belt walked by and then Rogue squealed. The girl noticed her as she squealed as well. The two ran to happily hug each other. "Betsy!" cried Anna. Betsy smiled, "Anne!" They released each other as Betsy asked in her British accent, "How have you been?" Anna answered, "Fantastic! Ya remember when ah told you that ah have a doohickey that turns my semblance on and off anytime ah want?" Betsy admitted, "I actually had my doubts about it. Are you sure it works?" Anna nodded, "Mm-hm. Now watch the magic happen." Anna took off her glove and touched Betsy's hand. Betsy's eyes widened as she breathed, "I don't believe it." Anna smiled, "Told ya." The X-Men came over to them as Logan asked, "You two know each other?" Betsy replied, "Of course. We've been friends since forever. My name is Elizabeth Braddock. I just go by Betsy. And you must all be the X-Men I've been hearing about. Shocking to see my BFF is an X-Man." Ororo smiled, "The original founders of the X-Men are looking to find new recruits. Perhaps you could become an X-Man yourself." Betsy nodded, "I surely hope so. That way I could spend more time with Anne." Anna asked, "Speakin' of which, can ah spend time with Betsy for a while. Ah'd like to catch up with mah best friend ah haven't seen in a while." Logan nodded, "Go right on ahead. Everyone else, you go on to have a nice well earned break until Oobleck and Port call our names again." Everyone nodded as they all walked away.

Logan was walking down to get himself something to eat until suddenly his girlfriend Yang tackled him to the ground and kissed him. Logan gasped but slowly gave in to the kiss. Yang released as she asked, "How's my favorite X-Man in the whole world of Remnant?" Logan chuckled, "Doing all right until my beautiful girlfriend tackled me to the ground when I was just about to eat something." Yang pouted, "Well, I've missed you. You've been super busy with your X-Men friends and don't have enough time for me." Logan offered, "Sure, I have time for you. How about the two of us have a meal?" Yang sighed, "Thanks, but I've already ate. Not much room in my stomach. Maybe later." Logan nodded as the two got up. Yang remembered, "Oh, yeah! My dad and uncle are coming to visit! You remember them, right?" Logan thought back when he first met Yang's father and uncle.

Logan sniffed the air as Ruby asked, "What is it, Logan?" Logan sniffed again as he replied, "Someone's coming. Get behind me." Ruby nodded as Logan walked quietly into a corner and then grabbed a blond haired man. Logan pinned him against the wall and raised his left claws toward another man with black hair. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Logan, it's okay!" said Ruby, trying to calm him down. "Can you let go of my dad, please?" Logan let go of Taiyang as he set his left hand and retracted his claws. "Sorry, bub," apologized Logan. Qrow nodded as he replied, "After a night like you had, I'd be careful." Taiyang nodded as Ruby ran up to him and hugged him. "So, do you have anything with wheels?" asked Logan. Taiyang smiled as he led him to a garage. "I have this old motorcycle I was planning on my oldest daughter for her birthday," explained Taiyang. "Until I found out she spent her allowance on a new motorcycle. I let her keep it and for you as an award for saving Ruby, it's all yours." Taiyang threw Logan the keys as he looked at the motorcycle.

Logan whistled as he remarked, "That's a beautiful lookin machine, bub." Logan got on it as the motorcycle pressed down. Taiyang looked at him with shock as Logan said, "Put on some weight. Otherwise it looks sturdy enough to ride."

Logan nodded, "Yep, I remember Taiyang and Qrow. I kinda wish I didn't threw your dad on the wall." Yang reminded, "Well, dad knows you were just being cautious after you saved Ruby. By the way, Ruby still misses you." Logan nodded as he remembered Ruby hasn't fully adjusted to the fact that Logan was out of Team RWBY. Yang added, "Oh, and Team JNPR is out on the colosseum right now. Eat up and hurry before you miss it." Logan nodded as Yang kissed his cheek and smiled, "Thanks, you're the best." She hugged him and kissed his cheek one last time before leaving. Logan smiled as he thought about Yang. His smile faltered as he thought about meeting Taiyang Xiao Long and Qrow Branwen. "Relax, Logan," muttered Logan to himself. "We're on friendly terms, right? The whole thing at the cabin was a misunderstanding. And Taiyang said he supported our relationship." Logan paused as he asked himself, "Right?" He went to a noodle station and asked, "The usual, please?" The owner nodded as he quickly made a big bowl of noodles. Logan paid for it as the owner asked, "Is something the matter, young man?" Logan answered, "I'm about to meet my girlfriend's dad." The owner smiled, "Just be yourself. If you've been a good person to his daughter, then her dad will have nothing to worry about." Logan nodded as he asked, "Did you want a tip for that tip?" The owner shrugged, "No, but it would be nice." Logan chuckled at that as he began to eat.

Logan soon finished his big bowl of noodles and headed to sit next to Yang to watch the battle.

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