Back To The Past

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Logan woke up with the sun streaming through the window as he found himself in bed with a naked Yang Xiao Long?! Logan blinked as he looked at her peacefully asleep. Logan got Yang's arms off of him and got up from the bed. He also found himself naked as he looked at himself in the mirror and saw he had no grey sideburns. Logan then looked out the window and saw no destruction, no Sentinels, and no charred buildings. "Holy shit, it worked," said Logan in awe. He then went to the dresser and put on a pair of boxer briefs, blue jeans, and a brown belt with a gold covered buckle. Then there was knocking on the door. "Hmm," said Yang tiredly. "Could you answer the door, Logan, please?" Logan quickly nodded, "Uh, yeah sure." He then went to the door and opened only to find a bunch of Haven guys pushed him inside the room. Yang suddenly woke up as she quickly covered herself with a blanket. "So what's the big idea keeping us up all night?" asked the leader. Logan looked confused as he asked, "What?" The leader scoffed, "You didn't think you would have neighbors, right? Neighbors that value their sleep for the festival?" Logan narrowed his eyes as he asked, "The Vytal Festival that's gonna happen soon?" One of the Haven guys asked, "Well, what you do you think?" Logan widen his eyes as he realized, "Oh, shit. I gotta talk to the General." The leader replied, "Not before you get taught a lesson." Logan frowned, "I just got here like twenty seconds ago and it's really important I need to talk to him." The leader asked, "How so?" Logan asked hypothetically, "Would you believe me if I was sent here from the future?" The Haven guys grinned with amusement as Yang looked at Logan with confusion. What was Logan going about? The leader chuckled, "Yeah, no." Logan sighed, "Figured. Look, do you wanna end up in a medical center or you gonna leave the room so we can make this less awkward than it is?" The leader shook his head as he grabbed a mace similar to the one Professor Oobleck has. Logan warned, "Really, you guys don't wanna do this 'cause I know how these things turn out." The leader taunted, "Because you're from the future?" Logan shook his head as he replied, "No, because I got these." His adamantium claws snikted out as the Haven guys jumped back in surprise. Then the leader ran toward Logan and swung his mace. Logan deflected the mace as he elbowed him on the side and kicked him on the floor. The three guys tackled Logan to the wall as Yang, still covering herself, watched. Logan eventually overpowered the three Haven guys as he threw them on the floor. The four guys ran away as Logan closed the door and locked it. "Out of all the places to get back in time, I got sent to the most awkward situation I've ever been," muttered Logan. Yang got clad in her bra and panties and frowned at him. "Future? Time-travel?" asked Yang. "What are you going about?" Logan widened his eyes as he looked at Yang longingly. Yang asked concerned, "Are you okay?" Logan didn't answer as he hugged her. Yang was surprised, but smiled as she hugged him back. He finally lets go as he answered, "Look, this is gonna sound crazy, but I got sent here from the future." Yang asked, "The future future?" Logan nodded as Yang asked, "Okay, so why do you need to talk to General Ironwood about it?" Logan asked, "You remember the Sentinels I talked about?" Yang answered, "Yeah, crazy story. You were fighting one in the sky." Logan replied, "Yeah, well the future is taken over by Sentinels and..." "Oh my gosh, that sounds serious!" squeaked a familiar girl's voice behind the door. Logan sniffed the air and recognized three scents as Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna. Logan asked, "Ruby, how long have you, Weiss, and Blake have been standing there?" No reply. "....When you said something about giant robots taking over the world...." answered Ruby sheepishly. "Hang on, Yang and I will be out," said Logan.

A few minutes later, Logan was dressed in his normal attire and Yang was fully dressed up as Logan opened the door to see Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. Weiss asked, "So what was it about Sentinels taking over the world?" Logan replied, "I can better explain things as soon as I go to Ozpin, Ironwood, and Goodwitch. This is something that they have to know and fast. We may not have a lot of time left..." A familiar woman's voice snapped, "Mister Howlett!" They turned to see Glynda Goodwitch very unhappy. She glared, "You are coming with me to see Ozpin and Ironwood of your rashness!" Logan frowned a bit. "Just my luck," muttered Logan.

Logan sat down in Professor Ozpin's office along with his teammates as General Ironwood looked at Logan as if he was trying to find something. Glynda berated, "Mr. Howlett got into a fight with a few students from Haven before the Vytal Festival." Logan objected, "Well, they started it! I was hoping I didn't have to go through this again when Future Goodwitch hooked me into the Chrono-Cerebro, but bullshit." That took Glynda off guard. Ironwood asked confused, "'Chrono-Cerebro'? Professor Xavier only has a Cerebro that is able track semblance beings." Logan explained, "Well, in the future Professor X upgraded a Cerebro so someone can send a person's consciousness from the future to the past." He looked Glynda as he added, "Future Goodwitch was meant to tell you this, but it would've been fatal for her brain. So I had to volunteer." Ozpin took a drink from his mug as he said, "Okay, you have all of our attention. Tell us everything you know about the future."

After half an hour of explaining about the Sentinels, death camps, and telling who the only survivors were in the future, everyone in the office looked at Logan with shock. "How do we prevent this future from happening?" asked Ironwood. Logan answered, "The Sentinels' creator, Dr. Bolivar Trask had a factory on an island where the computer program called Master Mold automatically made these killer robots." Ironwood declared, "I'll have Trask interrogated to where the island is." Logan stated, "There's no need for that because I know where it is." Weiss asked, "How do you know?" Logan answered, "'Cause I was once a prisoner there before." Ironwood, Glynda, and Ozpin looked at each other until they dismissed them.

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