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Cheri locked eyes with him immediately. She was swaying against Steve, moving with the music but never broke the stare. He was tall, very tall, with a rugged, but short beard, and blonde hair that was a little longish and fell across his forehead, very broad chested, and that broad chest was covered by a black t-shirt,  and a leather jacket. A leather jacket?  In this weather? He had jeans on that hung low,against his hips, and a large belt buckle.  Those eyes though! He was moving with long strides, tipping a beer to his lips without breaking the stare he had on Cheri.  They were locked together in that stare which felt like forever, until he disappeared behind the wall on the upper level. Cheri searched wildly with her eyes, for him to reappear in one of the windows but he was gone.  

"Cheri?, Cheri? Cheriiii?" Steve mumbled in her ear. Cheri was barely moving just swinging slowly against his hips. 

"Uh, huh, yeah." Cheri responded shaking her head, slowly.  "Yeah Steve?"

Was he a fucking mirage?

"Are you ok?, You just kinda stopped." Steve inquired.

"Yeah, oh yeaahhh". She laughed " I'm good, I just ummm, thought I saw someone. It's fine. I'm so silly" she laughed again, breaking away from Steve. "Let's go umm grab a drink?" she glanced at the upper deck of the bar

Cheri, and Steve reconvened at the table with some of the others.

"It's hot in here, Is it hot in here? She yelled over the music to Claire.

"A little" Claire responded " Maybe, it's just you? Hot and heavy with Steve?" she joked.

" Whaaaaat? " she slapped Claire playfully. " You're seeing things, girlfriend!" Claire giggled, along with Cheri. Or maybe I'm seeing things?

Cheri couldn't break the feeling, of eyes boring into her.  Was she crazy? unstable? she giggled to herself. Her shirt sure said so.  'Whatever" she concluded silently.  The place sure was packed now, people were streaming in slowly and tables were filling up.  There were a few girls walking around with shots of something or other, and Anna flagged one of the girls down. 

"Ummmm five?" She said to the server.

"Ten" James corrected her. 

As he threw two fifty dollar bills on the servers tray.  

"Well that pretty much wipes me out" The server replied to James with a smile setting the ten shots on the table.  "Thanks honey," She smiled at James.

" No, thank you" He smiled back rounding the gang up to the table for the shots.

" James! Buddy you don't buy your own shots this weekend" His buddy Leo scolded him. Forcing a hundred bucks into James hand. 

"Drink up!"  Everyone was now staring at James for a toast, James toasted to everyone at their table. " To friends, new and old!" 

" To friends!" everybody answered as they downed their shot.  laughing and clapping! Thanking Leo, and James.

C.J started dancing, " I have to pee!" She exclaimed

"Me too! " Cheri chimed in. " Me three!" said Leah. " Me four!" said Anna hopping off her stool.  "I'm fine!" said Claire. 

The girls all giggled. As the four headed to the direction they thought was the washroom. Just in time for Cheri to catch those piercing blue eyes following her to the washroom, watching her weave through the throng of people.  She caught him again! She turned away quickly, and then turned back Mr. Blue Eyes, did not drop his gaze he just, tilted his head back slightly, giving her a slow smile or was it a sneer? and, she was pretty sure she ran his tongue across his upper lip. 

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