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C.J. watched as her friend exited the restaurant, and headed toward the car.  She was holding two coffees and, two small paper bags.  Cheri put one of the coffees on the roof, opened the door and sang " I got you a treat!! " grabbed the coffee from the roof, and planted herself in the seat beside C.J. who was still holding her phone.  Cheri examined her best friends face, and her smile faded.

"C.J whats wrong?" Cheri demanded.  C.J. just stared back at her, eyes wide, mouth agape. " C.J. stop it ! What the hell is wrong? What happened?" Her voice raised several octaves with each question.

C.J. took a deep breath, and thrust Cheri's phone several inches from her face.  "Who is this?" she urged.

Cheri looked from C.J's face to the phone, then back at C.J. " That's me..." 

"You and who else?" C.J. challenged her.

" That's J. " she replied calmly. " Shit! with everything that went down last night I didn't get to show you his picture!" she exclaimed. 

"When did you take it?" C.J shot back.

"He took it that night we were at that local's bar in Vegas, he put it under his name in my contacts.  What the hell is going on?" Cheri replied exasperated. What was with the twenty questions.

" So that's J?" C.J. prodded her eyes still wide.

Cheri mocked her by opening her eyes just as wide. "Yeah that's J. What do you know him? Is there something I don't know here?" 

"Oh, I know who he is!  There's me, and well millions and, maybe billions of other people know him too." The photo had closed on the phone, so C.J. reopened it, and turned it toward Cheri again.

Cheri's eyes narrowed, as she glanced hard at the tall man with his arm wrapped around her.  His eyes bore into hers. Her eyes moved up to the eyes of her best friend beside her. "What are you talking about?" 

" Cher, The guy in the picture with you, is Dean Ambrose!" she declared.

"What are you talking about?" Cheri rolled her eyes.

C.J. pulled up the search engine on Cheri's phone. " If you don't believe me search him." 

" Here take your coffee." The shocked brunette grabbed the phone from her friends hand, shaking as she typed his name into the search bar. Right before her eyes pages, upon pages of pictures of J. flooded the phone.  " I... I can't believe this Ceej, these are all of J." she said scrolling with her finger. " I don't understand... there has to be some sort of explanation, I'll ask him about it when I get there. I just ..." she tapered off.

C.J. took a quick sip of her coffee, and started the car. " I'm just shocked that you didn't know." 

" How would I know? Clearly he didn't tell me. I need to text him back now, what do I say?" She threw her hands into her lap, her mind was racing.

C.J. thought for a moment.  Her tone softened. " Well you're right, he probably didn't tell you for a reason. Look, don't bring it up now, ask him about it when you get there." She reasoned. 

 Cheri opened her message, and read aloud. 'Just got up to pee and saw your message Princess. I can't wait for you to be here, put a flight tracker on your flight so I know when to pick you up.  Have a safe trip.  ❤️'  She threw back her head, and it hit he headrest "Fuck!"

" Well now you know who he is.  Like you said there is probably a reason." C.J stared ahead at the road.

Cheri looked over at C.J. " We already established that!"

"I know! I'm just trying to make sense of it all Cher, I didn't mean to freak out on you like that... it wasn't fair.  I just thought you knew and you weren't telling me that's all"  She replied.

" Yeah, well I didn't know... but,  it all makes sense now. The travel this n' that." Cheri shook her head deep in thought. 

She looked down at her phone again and typed a message to J. ' Can't wait either. Almost to the airport, see you in a few hours. '

C.J broke the silence.  " Well if anything happens to you, I can tell the cops who did it.... It would probably make great news." Turning her head toward her best friend, she burst out laughing.

 Cheri's mouth fell open aghast, and she glared at her "Oh my God! What the hellllll C.J.? This is all so bizarre including you. " She half laughed. The girls drove a few minutes in silence.

" So what are you going to say when you see him?" C.J. continued.

Cheri ran her hand through her long curls. " I haven't decided yet.... I mean I'm not going to blurt it out  right away.  I liked him before I found out he was Dean Ambrose, that hasn't changed anything. Besides half of this trip is professional, it doesn't really matter who he is." 

The girls arrived at the airport and C.J. pulled into the drop off lane.  Cheri jumped out and grabbed her suitcase from the trunk and her carry on bag. C.J. got out of the drivers seat and wrapped her arms around her bestie squeezing her tight.  " I love you girl! Have a great time and be safe!" 

Cheri squished her friend in return.  " I will! Love you too!" She pulled away from C.J. and looked her in the eyes holding onto her shoulders. "Please don't tell the other girls, or Todd about J... Dean whatever until I know more.  Do you swear?"

C.J. looked her in the eyes "I won't, I swear! Please just keep me updated.  I need to know how this unfolds"

"I will Ceej, I promise." She hugged the blond girl tightly once more. " Thanks for driving me, I will let you know when I get there. I'll talk to you soon." As she headed toward the doors of the airport she blew her friend a kiss, and waved goodbye and made a heart shape with her fingers. C.J waved back and slid into the car. 

Cheri moved to the counter and checked her bag.  Down through security, and to her departure gate.  She plopped herself down and scrolled through her phone.  Only a week ago she, and her friends had been heading to the exact same city.  She flicked through the pictures from the weekend before and stopped on the picture of her and J. Starting to replay the conversation from the bar that night in her mind. " Nice shirt!" " Dean Ambrose?" " Who is that? "   Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips. That's an excellent question she thought who are you Dean Ambrose?

The attendant began calling the rows to board the plane. Cheri quickly sent a message to J. " I'm on my way" He replied. " Excellent! I'll see you soon"  Her heart skipped a beat every time she received a message from him, even more so now that she wasn't even sure she knew the name of the man who was picking her up from the airport. 

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