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Tuesday, through Thursday flew by and before Cheri realized, it was Friday.   She spent the day washing a mountain of clothing for her three week stay in Las Vegas.  J. had said he had a pool she was free to use, so she packed her bathing suits.  Surveying her pile of folded clothing she had no idea how she was going to make this all fit into her suitcase.  C.J. had offered to drive her to the airport, it was an early morning flight, by the time she reached Vegas it would be somewhere around 9 a.m. there.  So they had to leave the house early the next day.  Cheri was in the kitchen making dinner for herself, C.J. and Todd when she heard C.J. arriving home from work.  

"Oh my god it smells amazing in here" C.J. moaned making her way into the kitchen to see her bestie. Dropping her purse on the table she made her way over to where Cheri was standing.  

"It's just soup." Cheri laughed. "Oh and I used the bread maker so, fresh bread!" 

 C.J. leaned her face over the pot inhaling the warm steam. "Mmmmmmm!' she growled. "So did you get everything done today? Are you excited about the trip?" she teased munching a piece of carrot leftover on the counter.  

" Super excited! I just want to see him again!!" Cheri beamed.

C.J. grabbed another piece of carrot.  " Funny you should say that...I don't even know what the guy looks like" she munched away. " You'll like, have to send me a picture or something." 

"Wait!" Cheri exclaimed. "I have one."

" You mean to tell me you have had a picture of him the whole time, and you never thought to show me?" C.J. said dryly. 

Cheri wiped her hands on her apron. "Fine!  Let me just stir this soup. I'll get my phone and I'll show you." 

She grabbed the spoon off the counter and began stirring the soup. The two girls heard the front door swing open, and Todd made his way into the kitchen. " It smells good in here!"

"Right? Doesn't it?" C.J. saddled up to to Todd and pushed herself up to his lips for a kiss.

"Yeah!" Todd replied "Did you get my message?"

C.J. looked at him questioningly.  "What message?"

" We got a late tee time, Pat is going to be here any minute now. Were going golf- Oh shit, PAT! I'm so sorry Cheri.... I didn't even think...dammit when he gets here I'll make him wait outside...." Todd trailed off  looking from Cheri to C.J.

"What the hell were you thinking?" C.J. shrieked. " Patrick is coming over and who is living with us? Ummm let me think oh... Cheri maybe?" Her hands flew to her hips, and her eyes were bulging. " Sooooooooo, not the best situation Todd!"

Cheri knew this situation would be inevitable.  Eventually she knew her and Patrick would have to be in the same vicinity.  Patrick was one of Todd's friends, and C.J. was hers. Well....if anything it would be good practice for the day of the wedding, as both were in the wedding party.  A week ago Cheri's feelings for Patrick were still a little raw.  After the trip to Las Vegas she had regained some of her confidence, and seeing Patrick now would definitely suck, but at least now it wouldn't be as bad.  

 Cheri intervened " Guys it's fine. It was gonna happen sooner or later, were all adults. I can handle this"

The couple both looked at her. C.J. had a sad look on her face and, Todd winced.  "I'm sorry Cher..." 

Knock, knock knock. 

The front door swung open again, and Patrick appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. All eyes focused on him. He froze when he saw it wasn't just Todd, and C.J.  but Cheri as well. His eyes fell to the floor, and he shifted uncomfortably.  Cheri knew there was no way he would cause a scene in front of the other couple, he had to maintain the 'good-guy'persona.

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