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" I'll call you tonight baby, you're going to be watching RAW right?" Jon was standing beside the airport limo chatting with Cheri as the driver helped load their suitcases. 

" Of course I am!" Cheri replied shoving him playfully on the shoulder. " What else am I going to be doing in this big ol' house alone? Oh until C.J. comes." 

" Oh, that reminds me." Jon reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small envelope.

" Half of your fee." 

Cheri rolled her eyes slightly. " Jon!" 

" There's 1500 in there. I will get you the rest when I get home. Also did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked her inquisitively, his eyes narrowing.

" 1500 is too much! That's way more than half. Besides I would have done it for free." She said with a little pout, grabbing him by either side of his jacket bringing him closer to her.

Jon gave a low growl. " I would have paid double." He wrapped his arms around Cheri, lifting her against his body kissing her deeply. 

" Dude we gotta go." Seth poked his head around the side of the car. Catching both Jon, and Cheri's attention. " See you when we get back Cheri" he added with a smile and a wave.

" Bye Seth." She waved. " Travel safely."

" Text me when you get to the east coast." She kissed him again once more as they parted and Jon nodded as he entered the car. 

She waved goodbye to her new friends, and her new boyfriend! As the airport limo curved down the long driveway out of sight. Looking down at the envelope shaking her head. Cheri turned toward the large stucco mansion and wondered what in fact she was going to do with herself until C.J. arrived.  She had lived with other people so long she had barely a moment to herself in ages. She went to the kitchen tossed the envelope on the counter then began loading the dishwasher with all the mugs from the morning. She then poured herself another coffee observing the silence that surrounded her.  When something caught her eye through the opening of the kitchen that led to the dining area. She had seen the cabinet briefly a few times but hadn't paid much attention. Inside the large glass cabinet were all of Jon's accolades. There were championship belts, pictures of Jon, Seth and Roman smiling back at her. Pictures of Jon with his belts, awards, trophies. She admired the way the belts glistened in the back lit cabinet. She ran her fingers along the glass reading all the certificates when the door began to slide with her fingers, this made her jump. Her eyes began to twinkle as she pulled a large belt from it's display spot and wrapped it around her waist holding it in place. Damn this thing is heavy, she thought to herself. Now I know why everyone wants these it's empowering with this baby around your waist . She removed the belt from around her and placed it gently back on the display mount, and closed the glass. I guess it's time to get a tan, she thought as she headed from the dining room, through to the living room, and upstairs into Jon's bathroom to change into her suit.

Cheri curled up in the large brown chair in the living room with a large container of Chinese takeout in her lap. Preparing for her date with Monday night RAW, Jon had texted her and told her they had all arrived safely, and of course how much her missed her, and about her day. When the show started it debuted with Seth, then of course Jon came out with a response to Seth. It's so fucking weird to see him on t.v. she marveled to herself.  Just this morning she had been melting in those strong arms. She had been texting C.J.  and of course she was watching too.  It was so weird to think they were in different time zones watching the same show, at the same time, with her boyfriend as one of the stars.  Cheri found herself wincing  watching Jon and Seth pummel each other. She knew the story line was a make up, break up of The Shield, but it was still hard to watch. 

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