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Cheri bobbed out of the water gasping for air. She was still in Jon's arms. The last thing she heard before she hit the water was Amber gasping, and Seth laughing his tail off.  She could still hear Seth laughing as she resurfaced, and Jon was laughing too for that matter.  

" Oh my God!!! " Cheri screeched. Water was still running down her face, and she was sure her makeup was as well. She playfully started slapping Jon's arms as he was exclaiming " Whattt, What?"

" Oh, I have no idea you bum!" Jon swam with her in his arms to the more shallow part of the pool. 

" You look pretty cute all wet!" He decided. Finally setting her down on her tip toes.

" Oh my God. Cheri are you ok?" She heard Amber call from the side of the pool as she made her way down to the shallow end where Cheri and Jon were standing. 

" She's fine." Jon decided laughing. Fully accepting the waves that were coming from Cheri whipping water at him with her arms.

 "I'm fine Amber" She laughed. As Jon almost had enough and, dove at her. She quickly dodged out of the way and swam away from him. 

" Do you know how hard it is to swim in a skirt?" She squealed her head barely above the water. Jon finally grasped onto her with his long arms. " Ahhhhhh!" Cheri couldn't stop laughing, it actually felt great to just be able to relax, she felt like she had known her new friends forever. 

" Well here, we can take care of the skirt situation." He let go of her, and dove beneath the surface he quickly whipped Cheri's skirt down and, right off her body. He came up to the surface with it in his hands rung it out and sent it flying onto the cement around the pool.  "There that's better, now you can swim freely!" He howled with laughter.  "Also, I get a better view of your ass!" 

She could hear Seth egg him on yelling " Yeah!" and Amber moaning  "Oh my God!" as she felt Cheri's pain of being tormented by the boys. 

"Jon, how the hell am I suppose to get out of this pool in my underwear?" Cheri reminded him. While she was treading water, just out of his grasp.  

" Would it be any different if you were in a bathing suit?" He answered her matter-of-factly.

Cheri thought about it for a second..."Well no, but Yes! I'm wearing a thong you ween!" 

" I know." He teased raising his eyebrows approvingly. "We've all see an ass before, it's no big deal." 

I'm not gonna win this one. Cheri thought to herself. 

" Everybody in the pool!!!" Seth yelled grabbing Amber off her feet and, sweeping her into the pool in his arms.

" EEEeeeeeeee" Cheri heard Amber scream before her head went under the water.

" Ahhhhh!" Cheri echoed her, as the couple resurfaced. Amber looked like a drowned rat. They were both laughing as well. " You're a dick!" Amber wailed at Seth. 

" You want my dick?" He roared between gulps of air.  "Well lucky for you that can be arranged." Amber rolled her eyes, dramatically. "Well it looks like were going to take that extra 2 hours to get ready" She chimed. 

" We're not gonna rush perfection." Seth answered her with a big grin. 

Jon reached out his arm and,  pulled Cheri back into the shallow water.  He was on his knees, and she was standing waist high, running her fingers under her eyes to remove the mascara she was sure, was cascading down her face. She laughed softly, as she caught Jon staring at her.

He wrapped his arms around Cheri's waist.  " I can't believe you are finally here with me." He mumbled into her mid section, as he rested his forehead between her breasts staring down at the water.  He squeezed her a little tighter. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders to return the embrace. Running her hands through his wet hair, she tilted his head backward to look up at her.  She placed several soft kisses on his forehead, as he let out a few soft moans. Before she knew it both of his hands were on her ass cheeks and he was hoisting her out of the water.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and was gripping his upper body for dear life. "Jonnnn!" 

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