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Knock, Knock, Knock

"Is someone knocking?" Cheri hesitated, staring at Jon through the screen.

Cock in hand, Jon threw his head back against the headboard. " Yeah but they'll go away eventually, don't stop baby Daddy is enjoying every second of this."

"Yeah, but are you sure?" she questioned her hand frozen in her panties. Jon was staring intently through the screen.

" Yes, I'm sure. Now keep rubbing that pussy for me. I know you're close, and I know I am." Jon moaned huskily, pumping his hard dick.

" Oh baby! Yes Daddy!" Cheri began to scream, resuming her self pleasure. Watching Jon stroke himself was such a turn on. 

Knock, Knock, Knock

Cheri, and Jon both tried to ignore the knocking at the hotel room door. 

" Yeah baby girl you look so pretty rubbing your pussy for Daddy, are you gonna cum?" 

Cheri rubbed herself harder and faster, she was slick just the way he liked her. " I'm going to cum baby!" Cheri cried.

" Yes, Cher bear,  soak those panties for me!" Jon demanded.

" Oh.... my Gooooood Dadddddyyy!" Cheri screamed. As convulsions took over her body, and she completely drenched her panties.

" Daddy is ready baby!" Watching her explode,  pushed him over the edge, and he directed his cum across his belly, and chest grunting in satisfaction. " Damn that was hot Baby." He said into the screen.

Cheri Giggled. "Mmmmmm it sure was!" 

Knock, Knock, Knock

" What the fuck!?!" Jon yelled grabbing the towel beside him to clean himself off. "Somebody better be dead!" 

Cheri rolled her eyes in frustration. " Who is it?"

" I don't know!" He said frustrated. " But, they better have a good reason for banging down my freakin' door." He yelled loud enough so the person in the hallway would hear him. 

" One second Sugar. I'll be right back" 

Cheri nodded. As he placed "her" gently on the bed.

He slid on his boxers, and his jeans but left them unbuttoned, and headed toward the door of the hotel room. He peered through the eye hole and saw Alexa standing in the hallway ready to knock again.

Jon threw the door open before she could make contact. " Stop!" 

Alexa jumped. " Sorry I uh.."

" What is so important? Roman is downstairs in the bar." He went to close the door when Alexa put her hand up, pushing the door open. 

" I wasn't really looking for Roman." She smiled sweetly staring at the still hard bulge in Jon's pants. " You had a good match tonight.  I don't know what is but, there's just something different about you lately, and right now you look fucking hot!"

" Right, and now I look fucking busy. So it's time for you to go." Jon went to go close the door on her again when Alexa pushed by him and barged into the room.

She threw herself down on the comforter at the end of Jon's bed. " I thought maybe we could do like old times, and just talk." She shrugged.

Cheri watched the screen bounce as Alexa plopped herself on the bed. " No you caaaan't!" Cheri yelled into the phone.

Alexa bolted up from the bed. " What was that?" 

Jon moved to lean on the dresser casually. "What,was what?"

" Someone said  No you can't."  Alexa stammered looking around the room for answers.

" NO YOU CAN'T!" Cheri called again from the phone.

Jon burst out laughing. " I think you got your answer." He picked up the phone from the bed, and pointed Cheri toward Alexa.

" Nah he's busy darlin'. He doesn't really have time to, talk." Cheri called out nonchalantly.

Alexa looked from Cheri to Jon. " Who the hell is that?" She spat.

" Well, she's my girlfriend, and if she says that I'm busy. I guess it means, I'm busy. Right babe?" Jon chuckled turning the screen toward himself.

Alexa rolled her eyes and stomped toward the door. " Whatever!" she spat as the door closed behind her.

Cheri howled through the phone. "Who was she?" 

" Co-worker" Jon mumbled. " An annoying one....Well at least she's gone, thanks babe!" he grinned.

" Thank god. No one is allowed in that bed beside you but me." Cheri winked.

" There's no room for anyone but you Gorgeous." Jon reassured her. 

" Well that was a fun night Daddy." Cheri beamed at him. " I hate to say it but, you better get some sleep. That flight is going to feel super early tomorrow morning."

Jon sighed flopping back down on the bed. " I know....Well I'll send you a message before I leave. How's that?"

" Sounds good. Goodnight handsome." Cheri blew a kiss.

Jon reached out to grab the air kiss. " Goodnight babe."

Cheri rolled over in the bed. 'I gotta get outta these'  She thought. Referring to the grey cotton panties. She hopped up from the bed, and let them spin around her ankle, picked them up, and flung them into the hamper in the bathroom.  She grabbed a personal wipe from her overnight bag, and began to clean up.

Cheri wondered to herself who Alexa was. Well she can't possibly be of any importance if he just dismissed her like that. She would just have to go to google, or ask C.J. Although she kind of dreaded asking C.J. because she would likely have to play 20 questions. Questions which she really didn't feel like answering.

A wave of sleepiness hit her out of the blue and she yawned. Blaming it on the three hour time change, she still hadn't full adjusted. Cheri brushed her teeth, and washed her face. She grabbed a simple nightgown from her bag and slipped into bed. The house seemed so empty, she rolled over and smushed her face into Jon's pillow inhaling deeply. Grabbing the remote from the nightstand she flicked the t.v finally settling on " Forgetting Sarah Marshall" one of her favorites! She reached for her phone and set the alarm for the windows, and doors. She stopped herself short of googling Alexa deciding that could wait until morning. She just wanted to chill in Jon's cozy bed, snuggling his pillow until she fell asleep.

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