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Jon, and Seth had left the meet and greet after going over the nights roster. Time for the gym.  Jon was driving, as Amber had taken Seth's car to the pool party.  He cranked the eighties hair metal station, Seth texted Amber to let her know where they were headed.  She replied by saying they were leaving the pool in about twenty minutes.   " Were gonna have to do a speed workout" said Seth.  " I agree, I wanna give Cheri a call before we head to the arena." Jon nodded, as they pulled up outside the gym.  They stretched, then did twenty minutes of weights, and twenty of cardio, and were back on the road. As they pulled through the gates, they saw Seth's car and knew Amber must be home.  

Amber heard the boys come in just as she was thinking about jumping in the shower.  Instead of redressing she threw on her robe, and bounded down the stairs to where the guys had convened in the kitchen.  They were both chugging water when she walked in making her way over to Seth, she wrapped her arms around his strong torso. " Hi baby girl!" Seth breathed kissing her deeply, sliding his hand inside the robe to cup her breast.  Amber gave a light moan. " I was just about to take a shower." 

" I think maybe you need some help with that."  Seth replied huskily. He saw Jon roll his eyes.   "Before we go do that. How did everything go today?" Seth asked coming up for air. 

Amber adjusted her robe. "It was good! Everything went rather smoothly. She's a gorgeous girl Jon."  Amber filled in both of the men, about the day casually leaving out the part where she confronted Steve, simply saying Cheri had taken care of it herself.  " Other than that, she didn't really talk to any guys... but she was checking her phone often...... You should call her." She suggested to the towering blond man.  

" I was just about to do that" He sneered at Amber.

Before it escalated further. Seth scooped up a surprised Amber, and whisked her upstairs. Amber giggled as he bounced her up the stairs.

Jon pulled out his phone and, texted the number Cheri had given him on her card. ' Hey Princess, Do you have a minute so I can call you?'  She responded almost right away with a resounding 'YES!'

Jon reached for his water, his throat was suddenly dry. He dialed the number on the card. It rang three times, then he heard the sweet song of Cheri's voice. "Hello"

" Hey Pretty Girl, How was your day? 

Cheri took the opportunity to tell him what a fabulous time all the girls were having, and how they had hung out by the pool most of the day.  She thanked him profusely for everything he had done for them. Cheri asked him about his day.  He told her he had been preparing for a show most of the day.  She mentioned they were actually going to a comedy show and dinner. Since he was a comedian she asked him if he knew the guy?  Uhhh yeah he had heard of him, but Vegas was a big city... lot's of comedians!  He had to think on his feet, good thing that was his specialty.  

Jon could hear the shower running upstairs, and his friends screams and moans echoing through the house. "Oh Daddy, fuck yes!!!! Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh ,fuck me harder, slap, slap slap. Ohhhhh yeahhh!! Ahhhhhh, YES!!! mmmmmmmm YEAH DADDYYY!!" He wondered if they could ever fuck quietly?

Cheri went dead silent, and swallowed hard. Was he watching porn?  "Is everything ok, there?" 

Jon moved to the farthest corner of the house. " Yeah, it's just uh my neighbors, they like to ummmm do it outside." he blurted.

Cheri roared " Omg, and you want me to watch your house?  Does that mean I have to listen to them?" She was laughing hysterically. 

 He laughed along with her.  "Hopefully not Princess. Actually,  about next weekend I'll book your flight for you.  Which airport?"

Cheri insisted on booking her own flight, and Jon insisted he would pay her when she got there. 

" Can you plan on staying three weeks when you come? Like, are you free?"  Jon stretched, placing his free hand on the back of his head. "It's short notice, so I'll pay you extra, just give me a number so I can have it ready for you."

" Let me check" Cheri was caught off guard. I guess I'm starting right away .  She pulled the phone from her ear and brought up her calendar.  It would be cutting it tight she would be home a week before the wedding. " Yeah, J. I can do three weeks, but after that I have to be home for the wedding.  I usually charge fifty per day. " 

Right! The wedding ,and fifty was nothing. he would at least get her 2100 for the three weeks.  "I'll be home by then, don't you worry. "  Unbeknownst to her, Jon had planned on being home several days before that, so he could spend some time with Cheri. He thought for a second. " You know, I'm just going to come out and say this, I have been thinking about you all day." He confessed.

Cheri felt an electric shock flow through her body. "Me too" she replied softly.  "I mean, I've been thinking about you all day.  J. you're single right? " She winced a little, waiting for his reply this honestly felt too good to be true.

Jon laughed. " Yeah, I'm verrrry single" he drawled. Looking in the direction of where his friends were getting it on upstairs. " I have been for awhile, just waiting for the right person to come along ...you know? It's been a really long time since I've been on a date. You realize I'm going to take you out, as soon as you get here, right?"

" I think I can live with that.  It's been awhile for me too. Well since I've been on a real date. "  She added blushing, a little. 

"It's settled then. Were going on a date." Jon glanced at the clock on the wall.  He still had a lot to do before the Live event.  "I hate to rush this but, I have to get ready for work.  Once you get all the details text me.  Actually text me before that, and before that..." He chuckled. 

Cheri's heart fluttered.

The girls finished out their whirlwind trip in Vegas, and boarded a plane home. Cheri was sad to leave as were the others.  They had fallen in love with the city, and had enjoyed their upscale accommodations thanks to J. Who she had been texting nonstop.   The girls had spent their last few days by the pool, and a little time with Danny, and his friends.  Cheri was relieved when it seemed Steve had completely lost interest in her.  He wouldn't look at her anytime they were together. It appeared he had done an about face since only a few days earlier he wouldn't leave her the hell alone.  This made her happy not having to dodge 'a creep'  and she could focus on her friends, and of course J. 

J. had left Las Vegas on Sunday to go on tour. He would be returning Friday, so he could pick her up from the same airport she was currently leaving, on Saturday.  Her friends were all a buzz about her mystery man.  The truth was she didn't have much to tell them, that she hadn't already.  She promised to fill them in once they had gotten to know each other better.  They all seemed excited about her date with him this weekend. Even after she shared that she was going to house sit for him in Las Vegas.  At first C.J. was concerned until Cheri informed her she would be home from work a week before the wedding,  C.J. said she needed 'her bestie' that week, and couldn't be without her!

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