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Jon stepped out of the walk in closet dressed in a black button down shirt, over a white v neck tshirt, his sleeves were buttoned at the elbow and a pair of dark blue jeans.

Cheri did her best attempt at a whistle. " Someone is looking, fine!!!"

" Yeah well I heard we had to dress up a little so here's my attempt." Raising his opposite hand to dust off his shoulder.

Cheri moved to the bathroom to spritz herself with perfume, and apply her lip gloss. 

"Mmmmm!" Came from the other room. "Smells like my baby girl. I love it!" 

Cheri gave herself a once over in the bathroom mirror.  " We should go see if they're ready. Where are we going anyhow?"

" We should, and I dunno some place Rollins picked out" He answered. " You guys ready? He yelled from the doorway of the room"

" We'll be down in a minute!" Amber replied.

" Wanna go downstairs?" He asked Cheri.

" Sure, let's go." 

Cheri could hear the t.v on in the living room. From the bottom of the staircase she could see Roman enveloping the big puffy chair.  He stood up as Cheri, and Jon entered the room. 

" I guess you have already met, but Cheri this is my brother Roman." 

Cheri fidgeted nervously with her bracelets.

" I know we got off to a bad start Cheri, I'm sorry. I never should have done that to you." He said earnestly. " I hope you can forgive me."

She felt her body relax when she saw that Roman was genuinely 'Sorry.' 

" I accept your apology Roman. You're Jon's brother, if you are important to him you are important to me."  She reached out to Roman and offered him a soft hug. Roman reached down to accept.

" Hands above the waist, Big dog!" Jon barked at Roman, a sly smile on his face. 

As Roman embraced Cheri he could smell her perfume. She smelled of sweet sugar, and vanilla. Her body was in fact as soft as he imagined, if he didn't pull away soon she would drive him mad.

Steeping back, crossing his large arms over his chest Roman asked " Where are you guys off to tonight?" 

 " Dinner, Rollins picked it out." Jon answered.

" Could be Burger King? Could be fancy?" Roman snickered.

" It's not Burger King!" Seth yelled from the top of the stairs.

 " I wouldn't trust him.." Roman snickered again. " Well you guys have a good time we'll try to stay out of your way" Roman gave Cheri and Jon a half smile.

Cheri wondered silently what he meant by 'We' as Amber and Seth joined them in the living room. Amber looked gorgeous in a tight black dress  with a silver belt, and Seth was also in a black button down shirt, but with black dress pants.

Jon clapped his hands together. " We're dressed like were going to a funeral! Let's go!"

They all looked at each others clothes and laughed. The four said there goodbyes to Roman, and headed toward Seth's car.  Cheri and Jon piled in the back, and Seth and Amber in the front.  

The restaurant was busy, it had a modern edge and served thai food. The boys were talking about work and Amber and Cheri drifted into their own conversation. Jon's phone was on the table and kept going off, every few minutes. Cheri couldn't help but notice, and it didn't appear as if he did. 

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