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Cheri was high, on a happy vibe, and a little dazed, to put it mildly as she made her way back to the girls, and guys on the floor. The shots! she exclaimed to herself.  This took her mind off her encounter with J. only minutes ago.  Her eyes darted around quickly, she spotted a shooter girl to her right, about five feet away.  They weren't the test tubey ones, but then again that's not really why she had left the situation in the first place. She ordered another five and paid her thirty dollars.  These were much easier to hold.  She moved over to her girlfriends gripping the shots firmly in her palms. How was she going to explain her absence? and, what had Steve blabbered about already?

" I'm baaaaaaack!" She exclaimed setting the shots on the table.

"Took you forever" C.J taunted spinning around toward Cheri.

" Yeah, I had a little spill, this girl fell and I tripped over her, and then I got sidetracked"  Cheri explained.  Noticing Steve giving her cut eye from the other side of the table. 

" Yeah, we kinda heard" C.J. remarked rolling her eyes toward Steve. "He was bitching, tell me later." she mumbled in Cheri's ear. " Anyways, let's get these done!" She wailed and the girls clinked glasses, and downed their shots.

They stepped to the dance floor. Cheri could feel two pairs of eyes on her.  She looked up toward the the top level of the bar.  She could see J. making conversation with the guys, but staring directly at her,  watching her, and really she didn't mind. In fact she liked it!   The other well.... for some reason Steve had staked his claim on her.  Watching her every move.  The girls laughed, and danced with each other Cheri made sure she was moving her hips seductively, as she remembered J. had said he had been watching them.  Roughly thirty minutes had gone by, and the girls were feeling tired. Everyone started saying their goodbyes, to the guys. Cheri gave Steve a wave as she turned her back to walk away following the other girls.  Two seconds later she was stopped in place by a hand gripping her upper arm, spinning her around.  Cheri froze in place to see Steve glaring down at her.

" What the fuck was that? I fucking saw you with him! " He exclaimed. His eyes bloodshot, from drinking. 

She could see J. fly out of his seat, he was now standing arms crossed, at the railing, glaring down at them.

Cheri narrowed her eyes, ripping her arm out of Steve's grasp. "I'm not your fucking property Steve!" she spat. Whipping herself around toward the door.  She turned to see J. smirking at her, before she exited. Holding up her hand to her ear "Call me." she mouthed, as he nodded his approval. Not before you call me. He thought.

The five girls made their way back to the hotel, and up to their room.  Everyone was going on about what a great night it had been, Cheri had filled them in on J.  The girls had all been curious about the 'mystery' man, Steve had been 'freaking' out about.  She explained plainly he was an entertainer, and that she might accept a deal working for him.  They all seemed enthralled with the story, and all very happy she was moving on from Patrick. Cheri pulled out key card and slipped it in the door.  She stopped and tried again.  It didn't work. " Does anyone else have their key? Mine's not working." she muttered.

" I do." Anna chimed in. She tried her key several times. Nothing. "Weird!" She exclaimed, checking to see they were at the right room.

" Well, that's just greaaaaat!" Cheri sighed. "Let's go down to see if they can reactivate them."

All five made their way down to the front desk.

Cheri walked up to the man at the desk. " Hi were in room 1758, but it seems our keys aren't working" She said puzzled.

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