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Cheri made her way down the narrow isle of the plane and found her row.  Tucking her bag in the overhead compartment, she quickly yanked her headphones from the front pocket. She felt grateful each seat had individual t.v's, and she wouldn't be stuck watching some corny movie she had been trying to avoid for a year ,or stuck in some awkward conversation with a stranger. A twenty something guy slid in beside her and she gave him a polite smile.  She was not in the mood for small talk, and it was going to be a long flight.   The attendant came on and announced their arrival time, and went over the typical safety jargon.  Once they were in the air the t.v's popped on again displaying a map of their flight path,  she sat and watched the little plane move across the screen for awhile. Only half paying attention to the flight path and more on "Mr. Dean Ambrose" who she would once again be face to face with in a few hours. She popped her headphones into the jack and mindlessly flipped through the channels on her screen.  She skipped passed the documentary about lions, and onto the next channel when she heard. "Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!" Her heart flew into her throat, and she hoped the guy next to her didn't hear her gasp.  I would be her luck they were replaying the episode from Monday right now.  She noticed the guy next to her turn to stare... obviously he had heard her gulping for air and was concerned.

Cheri could read his lips over the music in her ears he looked concerned. " Are you ok?" she pulled out her ear bud.

"Yeah, I'm ok it's just I missed this episode, and now they're showing it. I'm just excited." She smiled, lying through her teeth.

"Yeah it's pretty good! I like the direction they are going with Dean and Seth! You're gonna love it! What channel is it? I'm going to re watch. I'm Joe, by the way" 

" Channel twenty three... I'm Cheri" She reached to shake his outstretched hand. Excellent I'm sitting next to one of his fans, what were the odds?  Seth.... J. had mentioned his friend Seth on more than one occasion during their midnight texts.  She knew they worked together, it seemed all the puzzle pieces were falling into place.  Cheri ordered orange juice from the flight attendant as she passed with the drink cart. She desperately wanted to add vodka to that order, after her morning of shock, and surprise, but 8:45 am was a little early to be hitting the booze. Cheri sat hugging her orange juice watching Monday Night Raw on Saturday morning, Joe would occasionally make small talk about the matches.  The people J. worked with were pretty fantastic wrestlers, she thought.  A lot had changed since she had stopped watching years ago.  It didn't take her long to figure out story lines, Joe would sporadically fill in the blanks. She now understood how her friends were so enthralled with it, it was like a damn soap opera.  A commercial started and Joe leaned over. "What's bringing you to Vegas?"

"I'm going to visit my umm" She thought. What exactly was J to her?   " Friend... I'm going to house sit while he's away for a couple of weeks." She nodded thoughtfully.

"Oh, I'm going for business,  well a trade show, my co workers are back there." Joe pointed to the rear of the plane. Eyeing Cheri.

Cheri noticed his eyes on her. " Oh it's back on!" She stuck both earbuds in her ears this time.

She watched a guy named Cesaro make his way to the ring, accompanied by a huge pale guy with red hair.  The announcers were talking about a feud. Then some familiar music hit, she had heard it at the live event last weekend. Next thing she knew there on her tiny screen was J. in all his beautiful glory! " Holy Fuck!" She exclaimed much louder than intended several people looked up at her. Cheri looked around 'Where was that flight attendant with the drink cart, where was the vodka?' Joe looked at her inquisitively. 

Pointing to the t.v. with wide eyes, she looked at Joe. "That's Dean Ambrose?!" 

"Uhhhh yeah." He looked a little confused.

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