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Cheri leaned against the vanity in the bathroom brushing her teeth watching Jon pull his rolling suitcase from the large walk in closet. Unzipping it and preparing stacks of clothing to be put inside.

" A few things babe." He called out to Cheri. " There is a maid service that comes every second Thursday, they just come over tidy up, dust, vacuum etc." Cheri moved to the doorway between the rooms, to listen.

 " Should I be writing this down?" She laughed her mouth full of toothpaste. 

" Yeah, you might wanna." Jon grinned filling the suitcase.

" Be right back." Cheri swung around in the doorway heading for the sink.

Jon pulled a pad of paper from a hotel, and a pen from his nightstand and tossed them onto the bed. 

Cheri quickly applied deodorant, and pulled a bra around her rib cage, threw on a black tank, and a pair of black panties. Entering the room to a whistle. Cheri rolled her eyes and grabbed the pen, and paper from the bed plopping herself on the edge. 

" What???" Jon feigned innocence. " Besides who said you could get dressed?" Just as Amber walked by the doorway peeking inside. " Morning guys!!" She sang and continued down the hallway. 

"Morning!" Cheri called.

" See!" Cheri declared, with a laugh. "That could have been Seth." 

" Fair enough." Jon conceded. " Okay you ready Princess?" 

" Ready."

" Okay SO the maid service comes every second Thursday, which means they will be here, this Thursday. They have a key so you don't need to be home. Also my security company assigned you a key code for the front gate. It's also your pass code for the home security system to arm and disarm when you're coming or going  you are"6996." Cheri rolled her eyes. " What? Not "6969?" 

Jon winked in her general direction " I'm "6969." 

" Of course you are." She snorted a little.

" Anyhow there are also security cameras at the gate, front entrance, the foyer, the back door and the pool area. I can access them from my phone. So feel free to flash me from the pool area or whatever..." He trailed off nonchalantly. 

" Ha, Ha." Cheri faked a laugh. Then burst out in a true giggle.

" I rarely look at them unless I have to, although if I know you're by the pool I might rip one out watching you sunbathe." He teased. 

" Oh my God, Jon!! What the...fuck?" She blushed a little.

" Seriously though baby, this is going to be a brutal tour the U.K. tours are always so busy, and exhausting, I mean it's still fun. I just wish you were going to be there with me." 

Cheri closed the distance between them. " I'm going to be watching what I can on t.v. though baby, and we'll talk everyday." She hopped up on her tip-toes, and he bent down to her for a kiss. 

"Oh and last rule. No jerks." He joked.

Cheri burst into a fit of laughter. " Okay got it." She nodded. " Oh and C.J. will be coming in on Friday. Should I just send a car for her at the airport?"

" You can use my car anytime babe, if you want to go pick her up you can, or you could just send a car for her? It's up to you. If someone comes to the gate you just have to use the intercom by the front door to let them in or just set up the app on your phone. We can do that now if you want." Jon proceeded to set up the home security app on her phone and showed her how to use it. " See it's pretty simple" Jon finished locking her home screen.

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