Chapter 55

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|Ahhh we nearly hit 1K reads omll this is so crazy!! Thank you to all that are reading this! We really appreciate it!|

"After the hell he put us through, you want me to help you guys? Kai who did that spell on me and Klaus who killed all the people I love?", Bonnie said petty.
"Look, Bonnie, they did bad things but they are better now.", Betty tried to convince her.
"They'll even apologize if you want to.", Mel added.
"wHAT?", both said at the same time and got deathstares of their girlfriends.
"Fine. I want apologies from both of them. And they have to mean it!", she said.
"Yeah, of course!", Betty said and the three girls looked at them, waiting for an apology.
"You know, I actually apologized for nearly killing you so...", Kai told her.
"But you didn't apologize for the sleeping curse or whatever that was!", she said.
"Fine. I'm sorry for doing all of these things to you and Elena.", Kai apologized.
"You didn't mean it.", Bonnie wasn't convinced.
"I'm sorry Bonnie, truly! I'm really sorry for what I've done but I can't turn back time.", he aplogized again.
"Fine. Apology accepted.", she said and everyone waited for Klaus' apology.
"Ugh. My apologies for trying and killing all your loved ones, although some really deserved it.", he said.
"You are a heartless monster! How even- ugh!", Bonnie got angry.

Klaus tried not to laugh and
looked and Kai who also was
holding his laughter.

Then Betty gave Klaus a serious and pissed deathstare and he stayed calm  and so did Kai.

"I'm scared that she'll poison me again.", Kai whispered to Klaus, who then had to laugh again.

"Why should I help them? They don't even take me seriously!", Bonnie said pissed.
"Then don't help them. Help us. Mel and her child are also in danger. I mean what's the child's fault?", Betty told her.
"Fine.", she agreed and finally told them how to break the link between Ansel and Esther.


"Anybody wanna eat Lasagna?", Betty asked them all.

After Bonnie's time in the living world was up, they called Davina again for help.

"Did you poison it?", Kai asked suspicious.
"No, I didn't. I'm only poisoning cake, sometimes.", she said.
"sOMETIMES? You ALWAYS poison cake! You only didn't poison it ONE TIME.", he told her.
"I'm just poisoning it for you.", Betty said and gave him an innocent smile
"How generous of you.", he said and rolled his eyes.
"I know right! I'm so nice!", she said and laughed.
"Yeah, really.", he said sarcastically.
"I am! I'm probably the kindest of us four!", she told him.
"Well... that is totally..... true ugh.", he said after thinking for a while for a comeback.

"Um I want to eat Lasagna.", Davina interrupted their conversation.
"Great! Sit down guys.", Betty said to kai and Davina and brought them a bit Lasagna and herself, too.

"Are you sure you didn't poison it?", Kai asked again to be sure.

Davina looked confused at him and then her lasagna and then at Betty.

"Don't worry Davina,I wouldn't poison your Lasagna. But no I didn't poison it at all.", she said and took a bite.

While Davina, Kai and Betty were eating the Lasagna and were making a conversation, Klaus and Mel were sitting bored on the couch.
Lissa was already asleep.

"Can you guys hurry up? I want to get rid of my annoying parents.", Klaus said.
"Agree with him.", Mel told them.
"What a rare moment. You agreed with me.", Klaus said.
"When it comes to our parents, we have the same opinion.", she told him.

"Yeah, we should start.", Davina said and got up.
"Finally!", the twins said at the same time and also got up.

"By the way, do you guys know where Kol is? I haven't seen Rebekah and Elijah either.", Davina said randomly.
"I know where Kol is but i can't tell you.", Mel said.
"Rebekah is in Beacon Hills with Stiles. She told me she's meeting his Dad.", Betty told them.
"Elijah is still nowhere to be found. He's not picking up his phone either. I'll try to call him again after this.", Klaus said.
"Wait Elijah has a phone?", Kai asked suprised.
"Everybody has a phone, Kai.", Mel told her fiancé.
"Yeah but phone and Elijah. He's a bit, umm, how can I say this, he's a bit oldschool.", Kai explained.

"If you are done, I would like to start.", Davina said.
"Oh yeah, let's start!", Kai said and sat down in the white circle they made.

"Klaus do you have Esther's blood?", she asked him.
"Yes, it's here.",he said and gave it to her.
"Kai?", she asked, waiting for him to give Ansel's blood.
"What?", he asked confused.
"Ansel's blood, dummie.", Klaus told him.
"oHH, right. Um where is it? Wait a second.", he said while searching for it in his pockets.
"HERE IT IS!", he screamed when he found it and gave it to her.

Davina mixed their blood over a small fire while Kai had a paper with Ansel's and Esther's name on it.

"We need your strength", Davina said and looked at the teins.

They both sat down and all of them held theirhands and started the spell.

After a while Betty started hearing a voice.

"Hello, Betty. You probably wonder who I am but you'll see it when you come outside.", the mysterious voice said and made Betty leave.

Betty walked outside and looked around but didn't see anyone. After a while she saw a lady coming towards her.

"Esther? What are you doing here?", she asked suprised.
"Revenge!", she said and cut a bit of Betty's finger.

Blood flossed down as she said out a spell. And then she fell to the ground.

"WE MADE IT", you could hear Kai screaming.

Betty tumbled backwards and her vision became blurred and she fell to the ground, laying next to Esther.

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