Chapter 61

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When Kai and Klaus got home, Betty and Mel were nervously sitting onnthe couch.

"They're here!", Mel said to Betty when she heard them with her vampire senses and got up.

"Hey guys.", Kai said and walked into the living room with Klaus, who was in his normal human form.
"But- How?", Betty couldn't form real setences because she was so suprised he was in his normal human form.
"Kai took the curse. But somehow it didn't effect him.", Klaus explained.
"You did wHAT?", Mel asked.
"It's okay. I'm okay. Klaus is okay. Esther is dead. Now we are all okay.", Kai tried to calm her down.
"Are you out of your mind?! What if everything wouldn't have been okay?!", Mel wanted to lecture him but was interrupted right after her first sentence.
"Look, nothing happened. Let's just move on from this already.", Kai told her and pulled her into a hug.
"Still stupid.", she said and pulled him tighter to her.

"Are you still mad at me?", Klaus asked with a puppy face.
"A little. But I'm glad you are okay.", she said and hugged him then, too.

"Dad?", Lissa said sleepy as she walked downstairs.
"Everything okay? Did you have a bad dream again?", Kai asked his daughter concerned.
"Where were you?", she asked him, ignoring his questions.
"I was helping uncle Nik with something, why?", he asked her suspicious and then looked at the others.
"Something is wrong. Something happened. I can feel it.", little Lissa told him.
"Everything is alright, sweetie. Everything is over now.", he said and looked at her.


In the morning, Kai woke up and saw two sleeping Melissas next to him, his daughter and his fiancé.

He quietly got out of the bed, trying not to wake his girls up and tiptoed to the bathroom and showered.

After he was done, he went to the kitchen where he saw Davina and Kol eating breakfast together.

"Morning, love birds.", he said to them and got a 'morning' back from both of them.

"Kai. I wanted to ask you for a favor.", kol said as he walked towards him.
"And what would that be?",he asked him while making pancakes.
"You know that Elijah's been off for weeks and he doesn't pick up his phone. Could you do a locator spell?", Kol asked.
"Um, sure, but why don't you just ask Davina?", he said.
"She already tried but it went wrong.", he told him.
"Oh, okay. I'll do it after breakfast.", Kai answered.
"Thanks. I'll go to my room with Davina. Tell me when you are ready.", Kol told him and went upstairs to his room with Davina.

"Good morning, Kai.", Betty said while walking into the kitchen.
"You scared the hell out of me!", he said after the pancake fell to the ground because she scared him.
"Sorry, but you know what they say. Start with action in the day, ehm... Start with action in the day and slay!", she made up.
"I'm disappointed. You could've done better.", he told her and played disappointed.

"Where's your wolfie tarzan?", Kai asked.
"I don't know. He's not in bed.", she said.

Then the doorbell rang and Betty opened the door. It was a man standing there with flowers covering his face.

"Are you still a little mad?", he said as lowered the flowers and revealed his face.
"How could I possibly stay mad at you?", she said with a smile and gave him a kiss.

"Get a room!", Kai said and threw something at them.
"gEt A rOoM", Betty imitated him and threw it back while Klaus laughed at them.

In that moment Mel came downstairs a little sleepy.

"Oh look at that, the sleeping beauty is awake.", Betty said when she saw her.
"Morning.", she said ans walked towards her fiancé.
"Good morning babe.", he said and gave her a kiss.

"So what are we fighting today?", Mel asked as they all were eating Kai's pancakes.
"Not anyone, hopefully.", Betty said.
"I'm gonna help Kol to find Elijah. You know, the typical locator spell.", Kai said.
"I wonder what he was doing. It's been a long time since he's been here.", Mel said.

After breakfast, Kai knocked on Kol's door and told him he was ready. Then they prepared all the necessary things for the locator spell.

Kai was sitting in the candles circle and lit them on, or at least he tried.

"What the hell?", he said to himself while trying to lit the candles again, but still nothing.

"What is it?", Mel asked when she saw the stressed look of him.
"My magic. I think it's gone.", he said.
"How could it just- oh... the curse...", Betty figured.
"What?", Kai asked.
"The curse Esther made. Didn't you guys say that Kai took it? His own kind of curse. You're not a witch anymore, Kai. I'm sorry.", Betty explained.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! It can't be!", he said, not believing it.

The others knew, Kai needed time alone and left. Just Mel stayed.

"Kai, it's okay.", she told him.
"No, it's not! I'm nothing without my magic!", he said.
"You are not nothing! You are still the same Kai Parker we all know and love. You just don't have any magic anymore, so what? It's not the end of the world.", Mel comforted him.
"It is for me. I'm the defective twin again, that can't do anything!", he said.
"No, you are not! Magic doesn't define you. And if it's really that important to you, we'll find a way to bring it back. You didn't always win because of your magic, you won because you were smart and you still are. Nothing changed.", she told him.
"What did I do to deserve you?", he said and looked her deeply in the eyes.
"I could ask the same question.", she said and they kissed.

A knock on the door interrupted them.
It was their little girl.

She walked towards them and hugged her dad immediately.

"Everything oka-", he said but stopped when he felt energy, no magic in his body again.

When he pulled Lissa out of the hugg, the feeling of the magic was gone.

"Take it.", she told him.
"Take what?", Mel asked confused.
"My magic.", she asnwered.

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