Chapter 1: Worries and Reassurance

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January 16, 1957

Jackie gulped as she gazed around the table, she'd already decided to announce her pregnacy at Bella's birthday, nobody knew about it, not even Jack, she herself had only found out two days ago.

She wondered how Jack would take it, she was exhausted, she'd only had Kick a barely a month ago, she didn't know how she could handle another pregnacy, Kick had come so soon after Bella too.

And Jack, he was worried enough about his campaign, Jackie being pregnant again would only add to that worry.

She wanted to scream out in frustration, she'd always wanted a large family but she'd never realized how exhausting being pregnant was.

She glanced at Bella, Kick, Jack, all smiling and laughing with joy and content.

What was she thinking?

They'd manage, they always had.

With sudden strength Jackie tapped her fork against her glass cup.

All attention focused on Jackie, she cleared her throat and scanned the crowd, her family.

"I have something to say." she muttered.

She took a deep breath and spoke,"Two days ago..." she wanted to give a fancy speech but she wasn't one to pull words out of thin air so she sighed and muttered,"I'm pregnant."

There was a moment of silence and Jackie saw Jack looking at her, mouth agape and eyes bulging.

Bella looked confused, Kick... well... she was Kick.

The silence stretched for about a minute before Ethel broke the silence.

"Congratulations Jackie!"

There was a murmur of agreement throughout the group.

Jean, who had also come to the party stood up and held her husband's hand.

"Stephen and I were planning to say this later but since Jackie has spoken I think this is as good time as any. I'm two months pregnant."

"Congratulations." Patricia said.

Another murmur of agreement sounded.

Jackie glanced at Jack who was now sitting down, Bella was watching him looking confused and Kick was pulling his hair, he didn't seem to notice though.

Jackie slipped over to him and sat next to him.

"Pregnant? Again?" Jack spluttered.

"I thought you were taking birth control pills."

Jackie felt her heart drop, did Jack not want another baby?

"I was." she muttered,"I was drunk though, on New Years Eve."

"Oh." Jack said.

An awkward silence fell over them.

"Mama?" Jackie glanced over at Bella and placed her on her lap.

"Yes sweetie?" she asked.


"Pregnant Bella." Jackie said.

"It means you're going to have a sister or brother."

"Kick?" Bella asked.

Jackie quickly tried to piece together her daughter's language before saying,"no, not another Kick, if it's a girl she won't be completely like Kick."

"I don't think one year old's understand that sort of thing."

Jackie looked in the direction of the voice, Jean.

"Oh, hi Jean."

"Hi." Jean said and took a seat next to Jackie.

"I'm guessing you hadn't told him yet." Jean said, looking over and Jack whose mouth had opened again and he was staring at the wall again.

"How'd you know?" Jackie asked.

"He always does that when he's in shock." Jean shrugged and took a seat.

"So what are you hoping for?" Jean asked.

Jackie shrugged, she felt awkward talking to Jean without being teased,"I'm fine with either gender, though I suppose a boy would be nice, I mean I already have two girls."

"Understandable." Jean said.

"What about you?" Jackie asked.

"A girl." Jean said,"But I'll love them either way."

Jackie smiled.

"I think Jack'll go crazy if he doesn't get another boy in the house."

Jean laughed,"Poor guy."

She waved her hand at Jack's blank face.

"Do you know how to snap him out of that?" Jackie asked.

Jean shook her head,"There's no way you can, just wait for him to get better."

Jackie frowned but nodded.

"Ok." she muttered.

"Let's leave Jack to ponder over this, wanna talk over there?" Jean asked.

Jackie, suprised one of her husband's sisters actually wanted to talk to her, nodded.

She called over to Ethel,"Take care of the kids please!" before she turned and followed Jean.

They sat down and started talking, it was awkward at first but the two soon found things they had in common and started conversing like old friends and the hovering forcefield of worry and fear suspended over Jackie seemed to dissolve.

It seemed as though she'd found a new friend.

After Bella's party everyone had to leave so Jackie was left alone with her family, the only member who had understood what she said was in shock.

Jackie sighed and sat down next to Jack, thinking how different his reaction to this baby was compared to the pregnacy of Kick, and before that, of Bella.

Did Jack still want children?

As she sat tucking in her two daughter's she wondered, could this ruin her marriage?

Was she jumping to conclusions? Lee always said she was one to do that but...

Jackie shook her head and smiled down at Kick who gazed back up at her sleepily.

"Sleep well." she said half-heartedly before she exited the room and slowly closed the door behind her.

She jumped when she felt warm arms around her and turned and saw Jack.

"Jack!" she said.

Her husband released her and looked at her.

Really looked at her.

Into her eyes, into... Jackie.

"Jack I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's fine." he cut her off.

"I know I should've told you first-" Jackie continued.

"Jackie, I'm shocked that you're pregnant but I think that was the best moment I could've been told, we've been busy with Bella's birthday preperations all week, I understand."

Jackie let out a sigh of relief,"Thank you Jack. You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"I have a good idea." he said,"Now lets get to bed, I at least have to get up early tomorrow."

Jackie laughed,"Ok."

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