Chapter 22: "Normal" Never Lasts

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Jack awoke, happy he had off from work, and lazily walked downstairs, he'd enjoyed sleeping in, things were starting to come back to their ridiculous, so called "normal" selves. He went into the Senate, sometimes had days off and sometimes went capaigning, honestly it was exhausting but sacrifices needed to be made if you wanted to be the President of the United States.

He smelt burnt pancake from downstairs and frowned, Jackie wasn't a wonderful chef but she rarely burnt things, maybe a friend of hers was over... no Jackie would tell him. Deciding that Jackie must have just had a rough start to the day he mindlessly grabbed the newspaper and sat at the table waiting for breakfast.

He heard footsteps and looked up... and there was Jackie. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her face held a mask of fear.

Jack immediately stood up and wrapped an arm around Jackie before guiding her to the living room.

"Hey..." he said rubbing circles on her back.

They were now seated on the couch and Bella and Kick who had previously been playing, looked upon their parents in curiousity.

Jackie cried quietly into Jack's shirt and he continued rubbing circles on her back.

He was confused, worried, concerned and anything else that fell under the category of alarm bells going off in his head.

Not being able to bite his curiousity back he asked,"What's wrong Kid?"

Jackie cried harder.

"Come on Kid, talk to me..." Jack murmured.

After about 5 minutes Jackie said in between hiccups something Jack couldn't understand.

"What is it Jackie?"

"I'm pregnant!"

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