Chapter 58: Sweet Caroline

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November 27, 1957

Jackie sighed as she sat back in the chair, her heavily swollen stomach in her hands. She hadn't seen Jack for over a month and she missed him. Despite having hour long phone conversations every night... he still seemed so far away. It was Kick's birthday three days ago and Jack had talked with the birthday girl for thirty minutes, however Kick had wanted to talk longer, Jack though had to go to an important meeting.

Jackie sighed, patting her stomach again, lately the little one had been kicking a lot. She knew Bobby was coming over later, along with six month pregnant Ethel, six year old Kathleen, five year old Joseph, three year old Bobby Jr., one year old Courtney and Bella's favorite playmate, David.

Jackie felt a hint of a smile rise on her face, it was always fun to watch her older daughter bond with her cousin. She knew Bella always enjoyed spending time with David. Hopefully she could convince Courtney and Kick to like each other... she remembered the last time she got together and quickly erased that thought from her mind. She'd spend time with Kick.

3 hours later...

Jackie smiled as she heard the doorbell, she groaned as she lifted herself from the couch before walking over to the door and opening it tiredly.

"Jackie!" Bobby said with a smile.

A few feet further down, little Courtney who'd recently learned to walk, ran over to her and hugged her leg, well at least that's what it felt like, she couldn't see...

Ethel walked over to the couch along with Jackie and Bobby and sat down, smiling at her.

"So!" Bobby said, rubbing his hands together,"Card game anyone?"

After a few rounds of very competetive playing, the results were in, Bobby with three rounds under his belt, Ethel with one and Jackie, tied with three.

"Come on Jackie, one more round!" Bobby cried,"We need to see who wins!"

Jackie chuckled at her brother in law's almost childlike attitude before shaking her head,"I'm sorry Bob, I'm just not up to it!"

"I for one am happy we aren't playing..." Jackie heard Ethel grumble, she'd been losing miserably.

"I'm going to check on the kids." Jackie said.

Ethel nodded,"I'll go with you."

The two women made their way to the living room where the children were gathered, playing multiple games. Kathleen and Joseph were trying to sort out a puzzle, Bobby Jr. was trying to help but the two kept pushing him away in annoyance, Courtney was on her own, sucking on her rattle and occasionally sending Kick dirty looks. Bella and David were playing with her stuffed animals, along with Kick.

"Looks like they haven't broken anything since the last time we checked..." Ethel said. Jackie gave a small laugh.

Then she turned to Ethel though and she asked,"How do you manage five children?"

Ethel shrugged,"Well, Bobby's around quite a bit, so that helps."

Jackie nodded,"I suppose, but still it's gotta be difficult sometimes."

Ethel nodded,"Yes it is, but who am I to complain, Rose had to raise nine children."

Jackie laughed,"Jack counts for two."

A few minutes passed, and Ethel and Jackie continued to talk, suddenly though Jackie felt something wet pooling up under her legs.

"What the..." she muttered, she hadn't been holding her bladder.

Suddenly though a painful contraction hit her.

She squeezed her eyes,"Ethel it's coming."

"What?" Ethel asked.

"You heard me, now help me!" Jackie hissed at her.

Ethel nodded and slung Jackie's arm around her neck.

"Bobby the baby's coming!" She yelled.

Bobby ran into the room, eyes wide. One look at Jackie's face, contorted in pain and he ran over.

"Take care of the kids, I'll take her."

"What! I want to come!" Ethel cried.

"Somebody has to watch them!" Bobby yelled in panic.

Courtney was crying.

"C'mon Jackie." Bobby muttered to his sister in law.

She stepped with him and he put her in the backseat before hurriedly turning the engine on.

"God, Bobby call Jack!" Jackie yelled.

"I need to get you to the hospital!" Bobby said, beginning to pull out of the driveway.

"Call my husband Robert Kennedy!"

Six hours later...

Jackie panted as she lay on the hospital bed, the doctor was bringing a little bundle toward her and she held out her arms, panting as she reached for her newborn daughter.

She felt sorrow well up in her when she realized Jack wasn't here, but she knew he was on his way according to Bobby. She looked into her little daughter's face and was reminded of her own sister's birth, the little girl's face looked similar to her's.

"Caroline." she muttered, taking the child into her arms,"Caroline Bouvier Kennedy."

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