Chapter 11: Addison

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January 23, 1956

Jackie looked down at her stomach, the child inside her could live. It should've. It should. But it couldn't.

How was it fair?

She touched her stomach, the child was still alive but it was dying and they could do nothing about it.

"Addison please." Jackie said quietly, Addison was a sentimental name. She'd always liked the name and it was a multi-gender name, she was going to ask Jack what he thought about naming the baby Addison, but now she never could.

"Hold on, please." Jackie said.

She knew even if the baby stayed alive, it would take too long to find out how to save it, they were already trying but everything was negative.

For the billionth time that day Jackie felt tears stream down her cheeks.

Addison was alive but dying, it was like Jack, she thought suddenly, Addison's disease.

Jack was so alive but the disease tore away all energy from him, whatever it was that was killing her baby was like Addison's disease.

Jackie cried, she was alone, nobody was here right now, no nurses or doctors, no Janet or Lee or Jack, no Bella or Kick.

It was haunting, the only thing keeping her company was a dying child whom had no chance of saving.

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