Chapter 40: Drawing

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July 1, 1957

Soon after their daughter's awoke Jack and Jackie were to head out to Maine, they were bringing Bella and Kick and they didn't seem very happy about it.

They were both very tired on the plane, Jack somehow managed to fall asleep despite the loud chatter on the airplane and uncomfortable seat.

Jackie sighed and looked at Bella who seemed bored, her younger sister was asleep in her fathers lap.

Jackie frowned thoughtfully.

She then pulled a sheet of paper and a few crayons from her purse and laid it down on the mini table connected to Jackie's seat, Bella herself was on Jackie's lap, and curious.

Jackie took Bella's hand and placed it around the crayon and placed it on the paper, and drew a line, she removed her hand. Bella peered down at the paper and gasped in awe when she saw the line. She looked down at the crayon in her hand and she asked her mother with wide eyes,"Magic?"

Jackie stifled a laugh, Bella had learned the word magic at her birthday in January when a magician came to perform for them.

"Drawing" she said.

Bella frowned,"Drawting?"

Jackie repeated the word,"Drawing."


Jackie smiled,"Yes."

Bella's face lit up and she looked back at the paper and stripe of color before fumbling to get the crayon in her grip and started to draw a very wobbly circle.

When the flight touched down Bella had drawn on a total of thirty pieces of paper, and wouldn't let Jackie get rid of any.

Jack had reserved a hotel for the four days they'd be staying there.

He wanted Jackie to campaign with him since she had come but she told him she was a) pregnant and b) a mother of two children.

Jack had sighed and resigned himself to campaigning on his own this trip.

Once they arrived at the hotel they quickly got their room key and slipped into the elevator before the pressmen outside reached it.

After getting into their room Jackie was exhausted and after placing Bella and Kick in seperate hotel cribs (Since when was that a thing?) and fell asleep upon her own bed.

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