Chapter 38

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June 31, 1957

It was on the last day of June when Ted visited Jack and Jackie's home.

Jack and his wife were playing a game a pinoccle as Jack had gotten back from one of his campaign trips yesterday and was staying for the weekend before going to Maine to campaign some more.

Jackie was on the verge of, at last thwarting Jack on the last round when the doorbell rang.

Jackie sighed,"Ugh, the press, I swear..."

Jack laughed,"I'll take care of it."

As he was leaving the room he yelled,"Don't sabatage my cards!"

Jackie rolled her eyes, that was only one time when Patricia had dared her to do it and Jack hadn't let her forget.

Jack yelled for her at the door.

Frowning Jackie set down her cards (Face down mind you) and walked confused to the front door. Once she saw who was there she froze.

Ted Kennedy stood there, A beautiful young women next to him she was eyeing Jack uneasily and the look became worse when she saw Jackie.

There was an awkward silence and Jackie reached her hand to scratch her scar from Ted's teeth as she often did when nervously thinking of him.

Jack felt her husband's hand slip into her's and she smiled at him before taking her hand from her cheek.

"Joan Benett." the young women finally said.

There was more silence.

Finally Jack squeezed her hand and asked in a sinister whisper,"Edward," Ted flinched at the usage of his full name,"Why the hell are you here. After what you did to me and my family."

Ted took a deep breath and sighed,"Jack-"

"Edward." Jack cut him off,"Get off of my property or I'll call the police." he said, voice starting to rise.
"Jack..." Jackie muttered quietly starting to pull him back into the house.

Jack stood his ground.

"I'll make this blunt." Ted said to his growling older brother.

"I have no regret's but as you obviously arn't handing over that beautiful wife of yours..."

Jackie almost slapped him.

"I've gotten myself engaged and wanted to tell you that Jackie is the matron of honor."

Joan shifted uncomfortably and looked down.

"She's not-"
"She has no choice, dad's already agreed the wedding's in October. And Jack I'll have you know you and the children are in the very back row."

Jack narrowed his eyes.

"Did you clear THAT with dad?"

Ted faltered before he said,"Ya."

Jack knew it when his sibling's lied, they, especially Ted, did it when they were young, and Jack supposed now.

Jackie tugged on his arm again.

"Jack..." she muttered.

"Dada!" A familiar voice came from the kitchen, a one year old came wadling from the kitchen."

Jackie's eyes widened and she went to try and get Bella away but the damage was done.
Bella saw her uncle and her eyes widened and she began to cry.

"BAD MAN!" She yelled.

Jackie picked up her daughter and exited the room to take Bella away as Jack started yelling about the police and curses.

Soon enough a smug Ted was gone.

Jack came into the room looking drained as he sat next to Jackie.

"Maybe I shouldn't go on the trip." he said, taking the still sniffling Bella from his wife.

"Jack..." Jackie sighed.
"No, I shouldn't." Jack said.

"Jack!" Jackie said gently but firmly while shaking his arm.

"You are going on that campaign trip." Jackie started.


"You are going to be wonderful." Jackie continued.


"And you are bringing us with you." Jackie said.

And the tone in Jackie's voice made in clear no arguing was to take place. But Jack tried anyway.
"But the baby-"

Jackie's eyes softened but she remained her poise.

"I have two children to take care of and a politician husband. I married you and there are downsides and this is one of them, but I wouldn't change that descision no matter what. Now I'm getting packed."

Jackie left the room with her chin held high, she knew who really had control of this family.

1957: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now