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Author's POV
The tall girl walked out of the arrival gates, approaching the buzzing baggage reclaim. She pushed her trolley with a mint green luggage and some bags on top, as she walked into the large crowded halls of Seoul Incheon airport. 'Ah....finally... the fresh air of Seoul....'She thought as she glanced around through her sunglasses.

The airport was a chaotic mess, 'What's wrong with people today? Why is the airport so crowded?'She thought, as she shook her head. "Miss Yoon! Miss Yoon!"She turned her head at the mention of her name and saw a lady waving a signboard with Yoon Yume written on it.

Just as the tall and elegant lady was about to make her way to the lady waving at her, she was shoved roughly aside and pushed to the ground."Urgh...."She thought as she tried to pick herself up off the ground but screaming girls were pushing her to the ground as they scurried around.

The poor girl sat there, being pushed around by others when a hand reached out before her,"Miss Yoon, are you alright?"A gentle, calming voice asked. The girl mentioned looked up at the guy before her.

"I am your new bodyguard and I am sorry for not being here earlier. I am Aaron Kim, please to meet your service." He took her hand and pulled her up.

"Ah.... I see... I am Yoon Yume, and it was not quite a moment that we first met huh..."The lady smiled, as she talk about their first impressions.

It was really hectic as Aaron tried to make way for Yume to past through the big crowd. After what seemed like an eternity, they both finally made it out of the can of sardines and approached the smiling office lady.

"Miss Yoon! Nice to meet you! I will be your manager from now on. I am Lee MinJin, AiJin's dongsaeng."She smiled sweetly as she shook hands with Yume. "Nice to meet you too. I have heard a lot about you from AiJin unnie before!"Yume chuckled happily, happy to finally see AiJin unnie's sister.

Screams and shouts suddenly erupted from the crowd. Fear for Yume's safety, they led her out of the airport as soon as possible.

In the meantime, BTS were walking past the large crowd as their bodyguards cut through a path for them. They looked down as they speed walked out of the airport. They were hurried into their vans before they sped off, passing by a silver van that is starting off with a special someone on it.

They have crossed paths once again... Will they  be reunited soon?

Yume's POV
"Unnie.....why must I go to this event when I just come back earlier.... I am tired..."I tried my best aegyo, whining as I cling to MinJin unnie desperately. Despite just meeting a few hours ago, we have already bonded and become close sisters.

"You got no choice... I know you are tired too... but life is unfair.(A/N:that's true, life is unfair...) You have to get ready now."MinJin unnie nagged and flung me off her. 'Sad life'I sighed and wiped some imaginary tears.

I sit in front of the dressing table, makeup unnie help apply my makeup. "Long time no see, you have grown so much prettier! And me here is an aging potato. Aigoo..."She said, patting some powder onto my face. "Aniyo unnie! You are a beautiful woman and you have a lovely husband and family. I should visit your family soon, I miss playing with your children!"

Unnie chuckles and continued with the tiring process of applying makeup on my face. I am going for a natural floral theme, which explains my whole outfit for laters event.

 I am going for a natural floral theme, which explains my whole outfit for laters event

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