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Yume's POV
"Ring... ring...."my phone rang, buzzing echoed in the room. "Urghh...."I groaned as I fumbled to grab my phone on my nightstand. I sat up groggily, and muttered in annoyance,"yes?"

"Yume? Did I woke you up?" I rubbed my sleepy eyes and look at the contact,"What do you say, NamJoon?" "Oh.... sorry for waking you up then...."He apologies. "Nah.... it's fine. Note my sarcasm."

There was some shuffling on the other side before I heard TaeHyung's voice,"Yume!! We are having a day off! Let's go karaoke together!!" "Ok. Just send me the details."I hung up, before knocking out cold on my bed again. Seriously, calling me at 12am, you guys asking for death is it?!

Time skip to 6.00am, I went for a morning jog and did my morning routine. I am watching kdramas on my tv, being a typical couch potato, stuffing my face with nuts while trying my best not to cry. My phone rang beside me, signaling a message received.

I sniff a little as I checked my phone.

                   7 idols and 1 potato
Taetae.V(^_^)V: Yume! Yume! You there?
Potato.Y: I am now.
Min Suga: You savage woman. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
Sun.itself: We are going karaoke!
Potato.Y: Just cut to the chase. Details? I want to watch my kdramas.
Worldwide.Handsome: Tck tck. You getting annoyed huh?
IQ.148.but.destructive: XXX address.
Worldwide.Handsome: 12pm
Min Suga: Dun be late, you savage woman.
Taetae.V(^_^)V: We will have so much fun!
Potato.Y: K. Going back to my kdramas. Bye.
Golden.Maknae: Ok. See you later;)
ChimChim: 😊

I off my phone, a smile dancing on my lips as I focus my attention to my kdramas again.

At around 10am, I was all dressed up in a casual outfit.

I clicked my tongue, annoyed to see TaeHyung reminding me in the chat to not be late, I took my things and left my apartment

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I clicked my tongue, annoyed to see TaeHyung reminding me in the chat to not be late, I took my things and left my apartment.

I walk on the streets to the address we agreed on but I just have to be distracted, by that one particular shop that says Heaven Delights, being a food lover, you can guess what I did.

Leaving the cafe, the bell ringing behind me as the door closes. I smiled in satisfaction as I took a sip of my caramel macchiato. I continue on my way, sipping delightful on my drink.

As expected, I still arrive earlier than them. I sipped on my drink while scrolling through my Instagram, hoping to pass time, before I decided to post something.

Caption: Seriously, caramel macchiato is the best. Any food lovers like me? Or better, a couch potato that likes to watch kdramas? *raises hands proudly*
(Half empty cup of caramel macchiato photo attached)
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I went to throw my empty cup away when I heard my name called. Looking up, I was caught off guard as I got ambushed by the Maknae trio.

Giggling, we pulled apart and greeted each other before heading to the karaoke room that they had booked.

Seating at one corner, I just watch as the maknae trio go all out, screaming and shouting. Fanboys of Big Bang.....

NamJoon paused the song and stared at the trio with a disapproving glare and shake his head, "You guys are getting too much, I bet your screaming can be heard from a far distance."

Jin stood up and clapped,"How about we sing our own songs?" The guys all nodded in agreement and entered their songs.

I was literally so bored that I started scrolling on my phone and check the post I uploaded earlier.

@bts.bighitofficial: Jin here! I love caramel macchiato too! I'm a big lover of food too!
@bts4ever: Omo! Jin commented!
@sope.is.my.otp: Idk what Niji looks like, but I think Jin and Niji will make a cute couple!:)
@namjin.shipper: @sope.is.my.otp I totally agree!

'Lol... shipping me with Jin... that's cute though...'I thought as I smiled. Just then, JiMin plopped down beside me,"What are you doing?" In a swift thumb movement, I offed my phone and the screen turned black before JiMin could see what's on the screen.

"Ah...nothing..."I chuckled awkwardly. JiMin stared at me with a questioning look, obvious that he is not buying it but still he sighed and say,"I won't invade into your privacy. Just here to ask you to come join us."He smiled cutely, pulling me over the where they are all seated.

I was squeezed between TaeHyung and JungKook. And you can say that despite not singing their idols' songs, they are still pretty crazy and with their fanboyling, I think I might get ear cancer.

Just then, Jin passed me a microphone and said, "Let's sing awake together." I nodded and took it from him. JungKook changes seats with Jin and Jin is now seating beside me.

Thinking about what the comments said, I blushed unconsciously at the thought of us as a couple. Even though the faint pink blush on Yume's cheeks only lasted a few seconds, it did not escape the sharp eyes of the guy seating in a more comfortable distance as YoonGi furrowed his eyes at the close interactions between his goddess and his Hyung.

They finished the song quickly and smiled as they stared into each other's eyes which was cut off by someone's obvious fake coughing.

YoonGi said,"Let's sing 2!3! now then." Rubbing his hands together as he smiled slightly at his successful attempt on breaking the stare between Yume and his Hyung.

'Great way to ruin the mood, Min YoonGi..'Jin thought as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

I watch as they jam to 2!3! It is such a meaningful song.

Without the guys knowing, they have shed a few tears, which tugs on my heart as I also teared up a little.

'I am seriously so proud of them... BTS.... the 7 idiots who ruined my life... Each of them have their own different qualities but came together as a team and follow their dreams... I am so happy that they can now enjoy the fruitful success after overcoming the setbacks.... Kim NamJoon. Kim SeokJin. Min YoonGi. Jung HoSeok. Park JiMin. Kim TaeHyung. Jeon JungKook. BTS. I will forever support you... fighting!' I thought as I wiped the tears on my cheeks as I stared at them like a proud Mother would.

"Guys.... Don't cry..."I said softly as I went to each of them, wiping off their tears and stare into their eyes. "Group hug!"I said as I opened
my arms.

They gathered around me and pulled each other to a tight hug. We cried together. We giggled as we pulled apart.

The supposedly karaoke singing time, turned into a heart to heart talk as we talked our hearts out.

Crying and laughing together, I am sure that we have gone onto another milestone in creating a stronger friendship....

A/N: Really really sorry for such a short and lame chapter....:( Hope you still enjoyed it though. Credits to Zh_huihui for the karaoke idea!

Peace out!✌🏻

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