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Yume's POV
I am rummaging through my closet right now, in a frantic search for a nice outfit. Aish.... why do I not have nice clothes?! In fact, Yume's walk through closet has tons of clothes.....

"Wae? Min Min?"
"It's my day off tomorrow?"
"Ne, wae?"
'Seriously, why are you so dense?' "What do you do if it's my day off?"
"Stay at home and do nothing?"
'You are..... that's why I love you...'YoonGi smiled. "So, since you also have nothing to do... how about we go out on a date?"
"Wait.... a date?"
"Yup! Our first date!"
"I will come get you tomorrow at 9.00am!"
"Ok! Good night, Min Min! Sweet dreams!"
"Good night, jagi."
Flashback ends

'Urgh..... What should I wear?' I look at the clothes in my closet.... ah-ha. Found it!

 Found it!

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YoonGi's POV
I ruffled my hair and sighed deeply.... 'What to wear? I want to look good in front of Yume-Wait? What did I- Aish... Min YoonGi, just admit you want to look good before your jagi.' I thought. 

I still that these all is still a dream.... having the girl that I have love for 4+ years as my girlfriend.... I am the luckiest guy in the world! I hop around in my room, when Jin suddenly barges in.

"Ya! You only have 1hr more to get ready and you are still here dressed in your pyjamas?! I am helping you now and nope, I don't accept any rejection." Jin nagged as he pushes the younger boy to the bathroom, "I will bring you your clothes! Just focus on making yourself smell nice and look good!"

Even though Jin is still heartbroken, he figured that the best he can do is to help them with their relationship.

"Ya.... Hyung..... I can do this myself..."I muttered, annoyed. "Don't talk back to your Hyung. I will help you to style your hair!"Jin Hyung nagged as he started blow drying my hair. 'Aish.....'

"There! All done!"Jin Hyung smiled, satisfied with his masterpiece, in this case which is me. I stared at myself, as a small smile can't help but to appear, "Thanks Hyung." "Hehe... No problem! Now go get your girl!"Jin cheered, smiling through his pain even though it hurts like hell.

"Ok. I am off now!"I smile as I bid him good bye. "Bye! Good luck!"Jin Hyung waves, with a painfully fake smile on his face which YoonGi did not notice.

Yume's POV
The door bell rang and I ran to get the door. We look at each other in amazement, as we stared at each other's similar clothing.

 We look at each other in amazement, as we stared at each other's similar clothing

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