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Author's POV
Since YoonGi decided that work is so much more important than his poor girlfriend, they have not been in contact for two months now. And after what happened between Jin and Yume, they grew closer as best friends.

Jin always message and call Yume, trying his best to make up for YoonGi's absence and make Yume happy. And YoonGi being ignorant and all, totally forgot about him having a girlfriend.

Yume decided to work more, going overseas to hold some concerts but her boyfriend doesn't even know, not like he knew about her being Niji though. Yume tries to forget about the absence of YoonGi but the longing for him can't be stopped. She missed him. She loves him. Dearly.

And then one day, it happened.

A big fight.

"How can you go mess around with others when I am working my ass off!" YoonGi shouted angrily.

YoonGi decided it was time for a break. Turning on his phone to see 100+ messages and 20+ calls from Yume, he sighed as he finally remembered that he haven't contacted her for 2 months.

He grabbed his coat and left his studio which he haven't in a few days. He made his way to a convenient store to buy some food. But across the street, he saw two familiar figures that he couldn't mistaken.


And Yume.

Smiling and chatting.

Walking side by side.

Too close.

He couldn't take it. He immediately called her.

"Min Min!"Yume gasped happily as she saw YoonGi was calling and answered quickly.
"Yoon Yume."
"Wae? Why are you so angry?"
"What are you doing now? Huh!"
"I-I am just hanging out with Jinie... why are you so angry?"
"Jinie? You call Jin Jinie? Are you messing around with him?!"
"You sl*t!"

He hung up abruptly.

Angry tears threatened to fall down his eyes as he left immediately.

Jin was shocked. Yume dropped her hand to her side, tears streaming down her face. He pulled her into a tight hug,"Don't cry Yume. He must have mistaken. Just make up with him. It will be okay... I will help you."

"Thanks... Jinie..."

YoonGi locked himself in his room, but wrong move, Jin was his roommate and had the keys.

Jin let Yume into their room, but certainly didn't expect what happened next.
Flashback ends

"You are shameless you know! How can you be so low?" YoonGi shouted, throwing things around in frustration.

"YoonGi! Why can't you just listen to me?! Why are you being like this?! You mistakened and just let me clear it?!"Yume shouted, crying.

"There's nothing to clear when it's the truth!"YoonGi shouted, tears trickling.

"Min YoonGi! Why can't you just-"

"Stop it! Just stop spouting nonsense with that stupid mouth of yours!"

"I see. So everything of me is just nonsense, I meant nothing to you..."Yume said softly.

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