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Author's POV
"Ya! Calm down!"MinJin yelled as the sight of Yume pacing around in the dressing room is getting on her nerves.

It was the first concert that Niji will be holding in Seoul, after a break of 4 years. Yume was surprised at how the tickets sold out in 5 minutes, all 2,500+ of it.

While Yume is busy panicking, on the other hand, in BTS dorm...

"Hyung, ppali wa!"JiMin screamed from the doorway. "Let me look in the mirror once more!" Jin yelled. "Hyung! I can't find my shoes!"JungKook screamed. "It is under your bed!"YoonGi shouted, annoyed.

It was utter chaos. BTS was having a battle in their dorm. Despite their tight schedule, they managed to squeeze out a day for them to go to  Niji's concert, which was of course earned by begging and persuading their manager.

They were all excited, and yes, that also includes Father Louis Williams Suga Adams the third. They all tried to dress up more presentable, despite knowing it will be really hard to get notice by Niji, being among 2500+ people in the seats.

After much shouting and screaming, they finally got into their van, driving on the road to their destination.

Back to Yume's side, that girl is still panicking, spouting nonsense such as, "What if I mess up?""What if they don't like it?", before finally quiet down with a smack on her head and some nagging by the super annoyed MinJin.

"You should stop this stupid nonsense and get yourself ready now, if you don't want to look ugly in front of the audience!"She scolded the girl, pushing her into the chair, where the makeup unnie stood by, looking amused.

"Come on, let's get you all doll up!"makeup unnie said cheerfully as she look at the mirror, her living canvas staring back at her. Soon, she was done with the makeup,"ta-da!"

 Soon, she was done with the makeup,"ta-da!"

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"Omo! Thanks unnie! You're the best!"Yume gave her makeup unnie a peck on the cheek as she twirled around, admiring her own appearance(like Jin always does)

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"Omo! Thanks unnie! You're the best!"Yume gave her makeup unnie a peck on the cheek as she twirled around, admiring her own appearance(like Jin always does).

Scene change to BTS side, the 7 boys were in a queue outside the Seoul Arts Centre. They were lucky to have came earlier as they were currently among the first 1000 people, with a whole lot behind them. They chatted to past time, as there's still at least half an hour to the concert starting.

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