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4 years later~

YoonGi's POV
My life is all good. Slaying the world together with BTS. But there's still one thing that is missing.

No matter how much I deny, I know that my heart is yearning for someone. That someone's love.

After staying in the studio all day, I decided to come out. I looked out the window to see snow falling. 'Ah.... first snow...'

Deciding to go to the park to have a short walk, I dressed up thickly in warm clothes. Putting on a mask and cap, I made my way to the park.

The park, which kept many of my precious memories.

With her.

That time when we watched a horror movie but ended up here after that.

That time when we spent some time at the arcade and got 2 kumamon dolls, but still ended up here.

And that one time when I tried to patch things up and the guys help me set up fairy lights and roses, making us have a romantic make up.

This place. The park. Was where we always came.

I miss her.

I... still love her.

I breathe out a deep sigh, as I look around at the soft snow drifting down. One landed on my nose and I brushed it off quickly.

This is just beautiful.

If only Yume were here to see this with me.

Just then, I heard a familiar ringtone, but there's a lot of people that have the same ringtone. It's not her. It can't possibly be Yume.

But that was when I heard her voice that I realised I was wrong.

Speaking on her phone, was the voice that I have longed to hear for 4 years, the sweet and melodic voice.

I walked over, rubbing my eyes to see if I am hallucinating but no, she is still standing before me.

She ended her call and turned around.

Things changed. She's rocking a short hair style, her facial features matured over the years. But, she's still the Yume that I love.

Her eyes widen and she tries to run off but I caught her.

"Yume... don't leave..." she halted in her steps. "Please don't leave me again like how you did 4 years ago." I pleaded, as I felt tears threatening to fall.

"I wasn't the one who left, Min YoonGi. You left."She said softly.

"I am sorry Yume. I love you. Never once have I stopped loving you. I can't live without you. Yume... please come back to me."I cling onto her, hugging her tightly.

"YoonGi... I felt the same...."She turned to me and gently wipe off my my tears.

She took off a necklace from her neck and dangle it before my eyes.

The couple necklace that I gave her, along with the promise ring I put on her finger...

She gave me a cute grin and hug me back, "How can I resist my cute Min Min?"

I chuckle as I ruffle her hair, pulling away and immediately smash my lips against hers, as I savoured her lips, which I have missed so much, both of us leaning into the kiss.

That night.

Under the first snow.

A reunion of two lovers.

Min YoonGi.


Yoon Yume.

Fate made them crossed paths again.

Completing each other's life.

A/N: and that's the end of her return as the masked musician. But wait! There's still 2 alternate endings and a few special chapters waiting for you! So stay tuned!;)

Peace out!✌🏻

her return as the masked musician // bts ✔️Where stories live. Discover now