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Author's POV
Jin watched as YoonGi locked himself in the studio, working on his songs. The younger boy have not contacted Yume for a long time and ignored all her messages and calls. He sighed.

'Just why did Yume choose YoonGi? He doesn't deserve her. Why aren't I the one, to be there for Yume, to love her with all my heart? Ya...jin you pabo. You didn't even get to confess. And plus, you have to respect Yume's choice...'

He knocked on the door,"Ya. YoonGi-ah come out now, you have been neglecting Yume for a while now..."

"Ya! Don't bother me!"YoonGi yelled from inside angrily, causing Jin just sigh and shake his head, walking off.

Jin's POV
I look into the mirror and stare at my (worldwide handsome) face. 'What am I not good enough to Yume?'

The feelings are getting out of hand, they are getting overwhelming. Watching the lovey dovey couple just makes me feel my heart breaking over and over again.

I can't take this anymore....

I'm sorry...

Yume's POV
It is a small fansign I held again, with only around 20 people so that I can chat with them more.

But this time was slightly different, it wasn't a huge mask that covered my face, it was just a black surgical type of mask.

That moment when I went up on stage, I was greeted by my fans in close distance and I waved happily.

It is fun to see my fans up close and interact with them, hence I have been planning this for quite some time.

I played some songs and played games with them, giving out some gifts before it was time for me to sign the mini album that I released recently.

Fans lined up in order as they approached me, and we had a 5min chat each, before signing their album.

It was until what one fan said that made the excitement dimmed in my eyes before I quickly regain myself.

"Niji-ssi. How is your relationship going? All of us want to hear wedding bells soon!"She smiled happily, unaware of the slight frown on my face which left as soon as it came.

"Uh.... it's ok, but we are not trying to take it so fast yet..."I smiled.


I am a liar.

Everyday I have been waiting for him to contact me, and that day have never come. It's been a few weeks without contact. And every moment, I feel myself missing YoonGi more.

It's lonely. Every time, I just hope that he will give me a call or just send a short message. But it seemed like it will be hard.

Queen.of.beauty: min min!
Queen.of.beauty: min...min....
Queen.of.beauty: min min ah... I miss you:(
Queen.of.beauty: I love you.❤️
King.of.swag last seen at yesterday 1.30am

I stare at my phone, before tossing it away and hide in my blankets. My phone vibrated and I quickly retrieve it, only to be disappointed with a message from my manager.

I look at my phone, my hands trembling. I slowly keyed in the numbers, hoping I won't regret it.


her return as the masked musician // bts ✔️Where stories live. Discover now