Alternate ending 1

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A/N: this is just an alternate ending, but I ship them ok? Also, by 2 years later, it is after Yume left. Enjoy~
2 years later~

Author's POV
He was just walking around, hands in the pockets and with a mask and sunglasses covering his face. 'Oh.... I should grab something to eat..... too hungry.' (A/N: try to guess who this is)

He entered a coffee shop and settled down in a jiffy. As soon as the food was placed in front of him, he started eating while looking around.

'Woah.... this is a nice shop. Why haven't I been here before...'

Just then, his eyes caught a lady seating at the table near his. It was all too familiar. He felt attracted to her, not knowing why, he approached her with his food.

"May I sit here?"He asked. The lady before him was confused, she looked around slightly to see many empty tables. 'Why is he sitting with me?' She thought as she looked up.

It was as if time stopped. He found himself staring at the captivating eyes of hers, could even take off his eyes. Her eyes widened, shock to see who he was.

"Yume...."He voiced out, slightly trembling. Without him knowing, tears started falling.

He apologised for what happened 2 years ago, and asked for Yume's forgiveness. She forgave him and they started off as friends again.

'Don't worry.... Being friends is a good start...'He thought.

Time flew past quickly, it was already 1 years since they met again. It was the day of their 1 year of friendship after reuniting.

The tall man found himself knocking on Yume's door, surprising her with a cake he baked himself.

It was cute. They exchanged small friendship gifts. Him giving each of them a friendship ring, even though he yearns for something more.

Yume bought friendship bracelets, and she carefully wrapped it around his wrist, being all focused.

He watched as her eyelashes fluttered slightly, her hands brushing gently against him, sending his heart go all haywire, and blush to creep up his face.

She looked up and smiled cutely at him, making his heart going 'Boing. Boing. Boing.', making him fall deeper and deeper.

He decided to make a move, "Yume, have you move on from him? Have you moved on from YoonGi?"

She looked surprised and stuttered,"I-I am not s-sure."

His eyes brightened up, "then will you allow me to help you move on completely?" He leaned closer to Yume.

Yume started blushing madly, "a-ah..."

"Will you give me a chance to display my love for you? Will you also be willing to love me back as much as I do?"He asked, all nervous.

Yume just nodded and muttered a soft yes which didn't go unnoticed by him. He cheered and picked her up, hugging her tightly while chanting thank you softly into her ears.

He once thought that he wasn't destined to be with her.

He thought.

He thought he was a liar.

For lying that he would move on.

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